There are 240 articles

  • Good Expectations of Allah While Facing Difficulties in Life

    Question I am feeling very disappointed right now. In fact, my heart is burning. I have been searching for a better half for four years, as my marriage failed to materialize at the eleventh hour four years ago. I thought that it was for the best, as Allah, the Exalted, plans something better for you. I also asked for the best better half in Makkah,.. More

  • Feeling That In-laws Control Couple’s Life

    Question Assalamu alaykum. I am having marriage issues because of the interference of my in-laws and I wonder how to deal with this. I am from the UK, my husband is from abroad and feels obligated to keep sending money to his family who are extremely wealthy already. The grandfather, who owns many properties in the UK, also sends them money for the.. More

  • Husband Drinks and Does Not Pray

    Question I have been married for three years. A week after our marriage, my husband told me that he drinks. I was shocked to my core, but I thought that this could be fixed as he told me that he planned to quit within a year. He told me to take off my hijab because I look like his mom. He still drinks everyday. The only promise he has kept is that.. More

  • Institution of marriage and social duties of Muslims

    The foremost and fundamental institution of human society is the family unit. A family is established by the coming together of a man and a woman, and their contact brings into existence a new generation. It then produces ties of kinship and community, which gradually develop into a large society. The family is the institution through which a generation.. More

  • Marital Issues

    Question Assalamu alaykum. I have been married to my husband for eight years now, and we have three daughters, praise be to Allah. Sometimes, my husband and I face marital problems, which makes me sad. I am an American who converted to Islam nine years ago. Due to how I was raised in my society, I never saw what marriage looks like. I feel like I.. More

  • Anxiety Due to Feeling Weaker Than Peers

    Question Assalamu Alaykum. I am 28 years old and have problems learning and understanding things. I am physically weak, but I worked hard in education and reached the software engineering level and passed it. I have faced many diseases ever since childhood, but now I have no apparent disease besides the fact that I am still weak. I have undergone.. More

  • Marriage after Homosexuality

    Question I am 41 years old. When I was young, I was sexually abused for several years between the age of 8 and 12 by several, different men. I left home and travelled to Europe at the age of 21, where I met a guy and lived with him for 10 years. The relationship ended, and I tried to commit suicide, but Allah, the Most High, did not want me to die,.. More

  • My Wife Hates My Sister

    Question Whenever I want to see or visit my sister, my wife creates a fighting atmosphere; she is suspicious that my sister might ask me to do something against her (my wife). In fact, I swear to Allah that my sisters never talked against my wife, and I have clarified this several times to my wife, but she never listens or understands. She is not.. More

  • Be a Positive Parent

    Have you ever seen your father advising his younger brother to stop smoking? Have you ever seen your father speaking with the seller about the incorrect scales? Have you ever seen him participating in a religious competition? Have you ever seen him preparing a thesis in his area of specialization? Have you ever seen your father helping your mother.. More

  • Utilizing the Children's Talent of Memorization

    The child has a clean and pure memory which is not overloaded with problems or troubles like adults. At the same time, it is like an efficient and versatile sharp machine. The child rapidly memorizes and hardly forgets things he commits to memory at an early age. Thus, learning in childhood is faster and better preserved than at any other stage of the.. More

  • Psychological and Emotional Abuse Towards Children

    How is psychological and emotional abuse defined in Islam? What constitutes these emotional scars that cannot be seen on the skin? Emotional abuse is similar to verbal abuse but sometimes it can be a little more twisted and suddenly alarming. It reaches into each fiber of the self-esteem, leaving the victim in deep emotional pain about his or herself.. More

  • Social Evils that are Destroying Muslim Communities - I

    The role of the individual in Islam is not limited to fulfilling the five pillars. The Muslim in an Islamic community has a greater responsibility than is usually understood. All of a Muslim's activities in life are included as acts of worship depending upon the intention underlying them. Nothing is required from a Muslim beyond service to Allah The.. More

  • A husband's responsibilities towards his family

    The family is that brick which forms the foundation of a society. It is composed of individuals that have permanent relations established between them. Most importantly, it possesses almost a majority of the different kinds of personal relations. Because of this, there must be certain etiquettes placed in order to control and regulate these relations... More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – IV

    The seventh allegation: Many people quote an argument which indicates ignorance about the proofs behind Hijab (Islamic covering) as well as ignorance about the consensus of the scholars of the different schools of jurisprudence, that it is obligatory to cover the face at times when temptation and corruption are widespread. Undoubtedly, our current.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against the Hijab - III

    Someone may say, "Wearing the Hijab (Islamic covering) approved by the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) while satisfying all its conditions in those countries where women do not wear the Hijab in this manner, or do not wear it at all, features seeking fame and this is disapproved under Sharee‘ah." Refutation: The essential reason.. More