There are 240 articles

  • The house during Ramadan

    One of the favors that Allah could bestow upon a Muslim is to prolong his life until he reaches the month of Ramadan and then enables him to fast it and pray the optional night prayers during it. Rewards for good deeds in this month are multiplied; ranks are elevated; and Allah frees many people from the Hell-Fire. Therefore, a Muslim should utilize.. More

  • Common Mistakes in Raising Children

    Having difficulty dealing with children has become a widespread phenomenon. Many parents seem to be quite at loss when it comes to enforcing good morals in their children. Research has shown that some parents use fruitless styles to achieve this goal. There are certain common mistakes parents make in bringing up their children -- both boys and girls... More

  • 'You' and 'I': The Art of Communication in Marital Life – I

    He said he was coming in ten minutes’ time. Ten minutes pass, half an hour, an hour, and then he shows up. The wife: "You said ten minutes, and I have been waiting here for an hour." The husband: "Forgive me, there was too much traffic." The wife: "This is not the first time. That’s the way you are; always late... More

  • Milestones on the path of dutifulness to parents

    There is no doubt that parents play an effective role in preventing their children from being undutiful. As it is known that prevention is better than cure, we advise noble parents who play the greatest role in this important process, to prepare youth and prevent them from being undutiful. The family is the first incubator where the adolescent grows.. More

  • Relate Ka‘b's Story to Your Child

    My friend: What is the story of Ka‘b and how can I relate it? I: Don't you know the story of Ka‘b, my friend? It is one of the most effective stories which will help your child stop lying. My friend: How? I: Stories have a profound impact on changing bad behavior into upright behavior, and even adults themselves love to listen to stories.. More

  • Your faith is your key to happiness

    ‘Aa‘ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, was once asked, “Who is the best of women?” She answered, “She who does not use foul language, who is unaware of men’s cunningness (so she does not become their rival), and whose heart is occupied with nothing but adorning herself for her husband and caring for her children.” .. More

  • What You should Know about Drugs

    A newspaper reported a story of a man who was not on good terms with his wife. One day, one of his evil friends gave him some cigarettes to smoke. After smoked the cigars, he left his house and wandered the streets until he became tired and so he rented a hotel room and spent the night there. The next morning, he surrendered himself to the police confessing.. More

  • Married life between extravagance and stinginess

    The following are phrases often heard from one spouse about the other: “My husband is stingy”; “My husband does not buy me my necessities”; “My husband gives money to his family and does not give me anything”; “My wife exaggerates in her spending”; “My wife does not care about saving, nor does she.. More

  • Priceless Gems: Advice for Women from the Prophet

    • The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "If a woman performs the five (obligatory) prayers, fasts the month (of Ramadan), maintains her chastity and obeysher husband, it will be said to her (on the Day of Judgment), 'Enter Paradise from whichever gate you like'." [Ibn Hibban] [Al-Albani: Saheeh] • The.. More

  • Parents: Precious Blessings in our Life

    Allah, The Almighty, has made our parents the cause of our existence and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up, we tend to forget the period of our infancy and childhood and disregard their efforts. What ingratitude can be worse than this? The very least we can do for our parents.. More

  • The Virtue of Nurturing Girls - II

    Consider, may Allah have mercy upon you, how Allah The Almighty mentions houses in relation to women in three occasions in His Book, despite the fact that these houses (in most cases) belong to their guardians. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): • {And remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and wisdom.} [Quran 33:34] •.. More

  • The Virtue of Nurturing Girls - I

    This article in its two parts, Allah willing, will be about a righteous good deed, and whoever performs it perfectly, according to its required conditions, will attain three things: First: he will be veiled from Hell and never enter it. Second: on the Day of the Greatest Terror, (i.e. the Day of Judgment), he will be gathered in the company of the.. More

  • Safety tips for Muslim women

    As Muslims and their institutions become targets of harassment in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attack, Muslim women, especially those who dress Islamically, have become major targets. Reports of Muslim women being yelled at, threatened, having their Hijabs pulled off and having guns pointed at them have surfaced. It is necessary that the.. More

  • The Way to Reform Society

    Good manners, respecting others, and ensuring their rights result in friendly bonds between people, and removes dislike and grudges from their hearts. In this way the hearts become pure, sympathetic, and kind; so feelings of love and brotherhood prevail. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “He is not from my nation,.. More

  • Embracing Community Diversity

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.} [Quran 49:13] The Muslim community is one of the most culturally.. More