There are 240 articles

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – II

    The third allegation: A woman may say, "I am embarrassed to wear the Sharee‘ah-approved Hijab (wearing an outer garment which descends from above the head to cover the whole body including the face and other parts of the body)." It should be said to such a woman: when the non-observant people boast of their acts of disobedience and.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – I

    It is well known that the struggle between mankind and the devil is an old one, which will continue until Allah The Almighty inherits the earth and everything on it. The devil exploits man's weaknesses and uses them in enticing him, inspiring impermissible hopes and wishes in him and whispering to him until man finally responds to him and does what.. More

  • Be What You Want Your Child To Be

    These are words that should be addressed to parents and mentors in order to achieve a general benefit: Whoever likes his child to be something, should first be that something. Be a positive role model: Dear parent, your child is attached to you. You are his role model and leader and the basic moral benchmark on which he depends in all that he does... More

  • It’s all in a hug

    Kids aren't mind readers, but they are capable of reading our body language When we hear about the tragedies in the world, or about all of the people and children hurt in the worn-torn countries found all around the world; the millions of children who are starving to death or dying of illnesses ...we each should be much, much more thankful to our Creator.. More

  • A Practical Program for Raising Children

    There is no doubt that children are the comfort of one's eyes and a source of happiness. Life becomes pleasant with children on whom one’s hopes are pinned. While the father sees in his children a source of support, aid, and power, the mother sees in them hope, happiness of the heart, and security in the future. All these privileges depend on.. More

  • How to raise our children

    Cultivation in Islam is very important, for indeed all of the religion is based upon upbringing. It starts, first of all, with our own selves, then with our families, and then with the community at large. But this cultivation is most important with respect to our children, so that they are brought up upon the correct path of Islam. Having children.. More

  • Kindness at home

    Islam is a beautiful religion, full of wisdom and harmony. If this wonderful religion is followed properly then a typical Muslim would only be a great example to follow. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "The most perfect believer in faith is the one who is best in moral character..." [At-Tirmithi] Spreading kindness at.. More

  • Amending the husband

    The husband is the family's fundament, basis of stability and blissfulness; he is the spring of optimism and hope for the family. To talk about amending the family without the husband being part of it is to be sure that reformation will not take place. The family will never attain stability and righteousness as long as the father remains far from the.. More

  • The Intelligent Educator

    One day in the school Faris rushed to the headmaster’s room and entered hurriedly without seeking permission, for the matter was serious and needed to be addressed urgently. He cried at the top of his voice, “Sir! Sir! I have to tell you about something of great importance.” The headmaster sat straight in his chair and paid great.. More

  • Hijab is not a personal choice

    Contrary to whatever you may believe, Hijab (Islamic covering) is not a free personal choice. As a Muslim woman,you are not free; you are a slave of Allah The Almighty. What is the relationship between freedom and uncovering parts of your body, adorning yourself, and uncovering your face? Does the belief that 'beauty of the soul is the real beauty'.. More

  • The parent-child relationship in Islam

    The parent-child relationship in Islam Islam’s general approach to children may be summarized in a few principles. First, it is a divine injunction that no child may become the cause of harm to the parents. A. The child’s rights: The parent’s duties Allah, The Exalted, Says (what means): “Mothers may breastfeed their.. More

  • Smile to Make Your Children Happy

    The following are some lines from the diary of a child speaking about his happy childhood, "My father was always cheerful and his smile never left his face, even in the most difficult situations. This smile meant a great deal to us as it revealed how much our father loves us. This smile used to force us to behave properly and avoid mistakes so.. More

  • The Importance of Good Companionship

    Choosing and having good companions is extremely important for many reasons and from many aspects. 1) Mankind cannot live alone; every individual must live and interact with others, and when interacting with others, one either influences or is himself influenced. 2) Those people whom you sit with and take as friends are inevitably from one of the.. More

  • My daughter and the inaccessible fort

    Like a wonderful butterfly and a beautiful flower, she joyously moves here and there, creating an atmosphere of happiness and pleasure. Whenever I see her, my heart and eyes fill with great delight. Once, she had a fever because of a sore throat -- a common childhood disease -- which made her little body become feverish. Her temperature kept rising.. More

  • Make Your Mark

    When we're little, our parents are our heroes. We look up to them and get impressed by everything they do. We watch their every move and try to follow them. In our rooms, we play house; we pretend that we're cooking, cleaning, even raising our own (Cabbage Patch) kids. We're amazed at how much they know and we're impressed by all that they can do... More