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There is a channel in the hot bird satellite called (Al-hayat channel) this channel is a Christian and promising people of forgiving from 'Eesaa the problem is they have a program called (questions about Eemaan) between the introducer (his name is Mohammed and the pastor Zakariyah) and every series they insult Islam and the Prophet Muhammad,.. More
Like the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, are we too obliged to leave our houses in the way of Allaah, to spread Islam? Please advice. .. More
I have a Muslim neighbor, Al-Hamdulillaah, and for the sake of Allaah I try to be patient with him because he is very ignorant about Islam, argues he doesn't have to pray, doesn't fast, hangs out with corrupt youths, ditched us, his pious friends, no longer goes to the Madrassa, dates and brags about it, insults me, lies, and even cursed the.. More
I would like to ask you according to Sharee'ah what should we do to stop Fitnah? And if we are not able to stop the people spreading Fitnah and people who are going deep and deep into Shirk what should we do? If they start to boycott us for we show them right path what should we do? If they come to harm us or they come to fight with us are we supposed.. More
I am a woman who corresponds with some European and American women via the Internet. We have been exchanging gifts and discussing sewing ideas for two years. I have tried to talk to them about Islam, but I stopped for fear that I do not know enough to call them to Islam and I might make some mistakes. What do you advise me to do – should I.. More
I work in a construction company. My question is that there is a Pilipino man working here in my company and he wants to convert to Islam. I took him to the mosque for prayers and also I gave him the book about how to do prayer. The book shows how to pray only. So I gave him the book and I also pray that he converts to Islam and accept.. More
My question is about the permissibility in Islam for a Muslim to report a theft to the authorities or the affected company. The person has witnessed stealing of money from that company. And also the sinner admitted his sin before him but he is not mending his ways. Is this a duty on the Muslim to report this sin if he thinks that the person is.. More
I am functioning mostly as a Khateeb in a small town in the United States. The Imaam had to travel overseas and so I have been put in charge by the desire of the local Shura, I have very limited knowledge but nonetheless I base everything on the Quran and authentic Sunnah and the understanding of those scholars who have not fallen victim to Bid'a... More
According to 3:104, the Ayah says-Let there arise out of you a group of people enjoining good and forbidding evil-means a group among Muslims should do this duty. But according to 3:110-You are best people raised for mankind enjoining good and forbidding evil-means the whole Muslim Ummah should do this duty. One of my friends says this is a contradictio.. More
My neighbor has an Indonesian maid who is roaming with boyfriends. Her employer and their children are out for work from 8.00 am till 9.00 pm or so. The maid allowed some strangers (men) into the house which I have seen with my eyes. When one of my neighbors told the employer about this the employer do not believe it and say all are not true. The.. More
one group in India by name they are calling them Salaf Jamaa'ah ul-Muslimeen (the group of Muslims) and are saying that Allaah Has mention so don't call our Salaf as Salafy or Ahlus-Sunnah, and any name and they are saying that bait (pledge of allegiance) is compulsory for every Muslim on there Emir and indirectly they are calling them Salaf Muslim.. More
I am currently a sophomore in a public High School. Since I found there to be many Muslim students in my School, I decided to establish the first Muslim club and called it the friends of Islam. Al-Hamdulillaah, we have had a total of 30 Muslims and non-Muslims attend. We have discussed many aspects of Islam and have had plenty of open.. More
While talking with an scholar about the Da'wa he said that, Ulamah have looked into the life of Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam] and concluded that Da'wa to Muslims was always a priority over non-Muslims. He has given me the following reference, in the opening verses of Surah Abasa, Allaah Ta'ala emphasized to Nabi (sallallaahu alayhi.. More
I have been Islamic activist for last 25 years. By profession I am a lawyer. I am the founder of Centre for Islamic Studies- vision+mission taking Islam to non-Muslim. I am also the founder of Amal International School currently 1000 students are studying. My friends working with me for the last 20 years carried on a campaign to get rid.. More
I have tried to introduce a very good friend of mine to Islam, by giving him a copy of the Qur'an translated, and also any support he may need. He himself after finishing reading the Qur'an read the Hadeeth and Sunnah. However, he does not want Islam as his religion because he doesn't believe it to be true, and also says that he actively dislikes.. More
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