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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. What is the scholars' stance on the situation where a husband decides to forbid his wife from teaching Islam to new Muslim women converts, considering the scarcity of Muslim community in Latin America? How should women deal with this issue and whether they need to obey this prohibition?May Allah bless all.. More
I am a muslim convert and I live with my parents. They are atheists and in home I am controlled and forced to eat pork sometimes. I have a few months left of high-school, after that I can move from home. The only way for me to move from home now would be to quit school. This would be very hard because it is tough to get a sufficient job without this.. More
I want to become Muslim, but I doubt all 6 pillars of Faith. If I don't pay attention to these doubts can I say my Shahada and become Muslim?
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Good day to you admin
I just got converted
How do I pray in English because I am able to pray in Arabic
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Should I change my name if my name is Afsar which is of Persian origin? I found earlier on a QA that name other than that of Arabic Orgin is forbidden. Hope the team answers.
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Salam. I am a Vidhya and Hindu girl. I got into a friendship online. He is a Muslim. Gradually, I have fallen for him. He spoke to me about the message of Islam, and I got to have the chance to know about Islam. I believe in One God, Allah, and I simply dislike idol worshiping. I told my parents about my belief in Allah, and then I received many taunts.. More
Assalamu alaykom. I accepted Islam in 2002 and got married to a Muslim, praise be to Allah. Just last year, in December 2016, my brother accepted Islam, but his wife got angry and even hated him because he converted without asking her first. She never liked Islam or the Muslims at all, as she told me. What can I advise my younger brother, who just converted.. More
I secretly converted to Islam and cannot wear the hijab. I reviewed fatwa no. 12498 as it handles a problem similar to mine. This was your advice to the questioner: "If you can immigrate from this country to another, then it is obligatory for you to do so in order to maintain your Islam." In the country where I live, there are Muslim groups, but I cannot.. More
If a non-Muslim actress converts to Islam, is the money that she earned as an actress halal? And is it haram if people look at old pictures of her before she wore a hijab?
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I have been told by several sources that both Todd (first name) and Christopher (middle) are not permissible or at best inadvisable? Todd means fox, clever, or wily, and Christopher means Christ-bearer. Are these good, or must I change my name?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a problem that is difficult to describe, and I hope that I can clearly explain it in shaa Allaah. I was raised as a Christian, and as a child I used to feel extremely happy when trying to learn about the lives of the prophets and about doing good deeds, since I did not know at that time that some of what is said in Christianity.. More
Assalamo Alaikum wa rahmatuallahi wabrakathuhu A new convert to Islam who is a second wife to a Muslim lives alone with her two kids who follow Christianity. Divorced from first husband. She lives as a Muslim secretly until the both kids attain 18 which will be next year. She has attended the Baptism of her second son in a public pool and claims not.. More
im not muslim but i would like to become one. i have a boyfriend and i am completly dependent on him. he pays my treatment and whatever i need. i dont have a work and degree, and i cant not workor study because of some problems of health and im a little depressed i think. we have been dating for 6 years, i dont love him anymore, but he is a good man.. More
Sub: Reverted to Islam Assalamu alaikum. I’m Kanna, from Japan and working as a teacher. I started thinking of converting but before making the decision, I have a question and I will appreciate you if you would answer this. (if not, would you able to forward this email to someone knowlegeable?) The question is as follows. Which is better, 1: to convert.. More
Assalaamu 3alaikum dear scholars. I'm a 21 year old convert and I have a dilemma which I need to take care of. My father does not approve of my Islam and wishes that I convert back to christianity and I don't want that. He shouts and yells when I disagree with him about 'Iisa 3alaihissalam dying on the cross and that he's not the son of God. As time.. More
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