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I see many late-joiners in the congregational prayer changing their places after the Imaam finishes the prayer. They may move forward or backward in order to finish their prayers instead of remaining in the same row in which they were praying. Is there is a religious ruling in this regard or is it a mere habit? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you generously... More
Is there any virtue for standing on the Imaam's right side in the congregational prayer? Would you please provide evidence from Sharee‘ah.
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A man said the Takbeerah of Ihraam before the Imaam then he continued to follow the Imaam until he finished the prayer. What should he do in such a case?
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If the Imaam bows in the third Rak‘ah before I complete reciting Al-Faatihah, should I complete reciting it and then bow or bow without completing it? Thank you.
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I pray with my eight-year-old son. Is it considered a congregational prayer? Do I have to raise my voice with the Takbeer?
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Which one should I join when there are two simultaneous congregational prayers in the Masjid? The two congregational prayers are in the same Masjid but not in the same hall, as there is a wall separating them. Please advise. Thank you.
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When two persons, a traveler and a resident, want to pray in congregation, who has more right to lead the other in prayer? May Allaah Reward you. .. More
The regular Imaam of the mosque was absent, so people asked me to lead the congregational prayer. I led the prayer and, while I was in the second Rak‘ah, I remembered that I had not performed ablution. I felt ashamed and embarrassed to leave the prayer, so I completed it. I do not know most of the people I led in prayer in order to apologize to them.. More
If the Imaam passed away during the congregational prayer and I am praying behind him, what should I do?
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I and many other people did not follow the Imaam in a verse of Sujood.. More
A forty year-old man murdered his uncle and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Now he holds the position of an Imaam leading people in the five prayers and giving the Friday Khutbah. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on praying behind him?
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Is it permissible for the Imaam to stand in the same row with the Ma'mumeen instead of standing alone ahead of the rows due to the narrowness of the mosque? .. More
If a sick person cannot move from his place, is it permissible for the Imaam to stand on his right side? .. More
When I entered the mosque to perform one of the obligatory prayers, I found that the Imaam is the person with whom I had a quarrel before. Because of this quarrel, we no longer speak to one another. Should I perform the congregational prayer behind him or perform it individually? Please advise. .. More
What is the superiority and excellence of the Imaam over those he leads in prayer? .. More
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