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Why is cotton placed in the mouth and the nose of the deceased?.. More
A twenty-year-old Muslim girl was burned to death. Her body shrank and all her body`s features were gone to the extent that her gender could not be distinguished. How should we wash her according to the Sunnah (please mention the evidence)? Is it permissible for males to wash her, whether her Mahrams or non Mahrams, because we know that if the women.. More
Is it permissible for the living individual to buy his shroud and keep it until his death, or is it considered an act of innovation?.. More
salaam please advise us accordingly to the Islamic way of who can cleanse the body, how many women can wash the body (is there a limit?). I am a revert and so is my terminally ill sister in law. She has requested one particular person to wash her but I wanted to know if myself and my other sister in law can also attend and perform the ghusl as we.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, Is is permissable to help in the washing of the deceased whilst one has a period? I thought it was ok but have just read a statement that as it is an act of worship then one must have wudu and a menstruating women is forbidden to do this. JazekAllah khair... More
assalamualikum,sheikh my question is when washing the deseased i forgot to give last wash of camphor is it compulsary to give last wash of comphor for deceased?
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Bismillaah Is it acceptable to charge money for washing the dead? And is it okay to ask the family before hand how the person died?.. More
Is it permissible for son to wash the dead body of his mother?.. More
Salam Alaykom. If someone is a Christian but they are a nice person, never did anything wrong, etc..., what will happen of them when they die??? Will they be punished because they didn't worship Allah Sabhan wa Talala?? Also, Alhamdouillah for this great religion being Islam. Can you explain about the reasons and the need to bathe the muslim(a).. More
Recently the law enforcement in our area identified a mostly skeletonized body as that of a Muslim woman who has been missing for some time. Apparently she has been a murder victim. We need to know if a body in this state of decomposition needs to be washed for burial, and if there are special procedures because of the condition. Time is very important.. More
How is the hand position of death Muslim? .. More
According to Islaam, is it necessary to wash the corpse of the AIDS victims? And if it is necessary, how to wash, any special precautions needed? Can we treat the AIDS victim's dead body as highly infectious? If not necessary, then how to handle the dead body? .. More
I would like a detailed Fatwa about the Islamic way of dealing with the deceased person : The way of performing the funeral procession , what is done before , during , and after burial , the shape and the size of the grave , and what is to be done after 40 days of burial?
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Can a woman give her ill husband a Ghusl and a woman bathe (Ghusl-e- Mayyit) her husband's dead body because no one is available for either?
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If a women dies and she has nail polish on or attachments in her hair, are the people washing her allowed (according to Islam) to take them off, i.e. remove the hair and use nail polish remover?
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