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Assalamu Alaikum. I just want to know whether it is obligatory to eat a predawn meal before fasting a non-obligatory fast?What about the Ramazan Fasts? Thank you... More
I live in Germany and I work in a restaurant and my chief don't give me any time for Fitr in Ramadhaan because he says it is not his problem and I work from 18 h till 22 h what shall I do if I do not eat anything till 22 it is too much to be honest and I need this job. What shall I do? .. More
Is congregational Du'a' after prayers and just before breaking fasting a Bid'aa? .. More
Does telling lies break your fast during Ramadan?.. More
What are the recommended and significant acts of worship in the Prophet's Sunnah in the month of Ramadan? Please state according to importance and rewards in this world and Hereafter.
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I live near a mosque which provides breaking of fast meals. However I prefer to break fast with my wife and children and then proceed to perform the Maghrib prayer at the mosque. My preference is a based on my appreciation for my wife who cooks the meals for the family. Is it a sunnah to break fast with the Jemaah at the mosque? If not, is it still.. More
Today's Muslim world league calendar shows dawn prayer (Imsak) at 5:34 and sunrise at 7:12, Egyptian General Authority of Survey calendar shows Imsak at 5.26 and sunrise at 7:12 for Istanbul. 1- What's latest time to stop eating to begin fasting?2- What is the earliest time for Salat ul-Fjr?
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1. What would happen if I see an evil movie during my fasting, in school?
2. How can I get verses of The Qur'an that help with practicing my fast?
3. I would like to know the number of Muslim people there are in the U.S. as of the years 2001-2002?
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I want to know if a person does bad thing like saying bad words watching bad films or some thing else in Ramadan what should he or she do for it?
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What is the ruling regarding Imsak before the Fajr? Is it Haram to eat or drink after the Imsak?.. More
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