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my faher is working in a government office,and every government employe can do the hajj in low cost from the government compare to others. is this is correct or they have do the hajj by paying complete rupees.can it called be a hajj or not. please give the answer as soon as possible... More
Assalamualaikum I am 28 year old student. Of late, I am being bothered by the thoughts of all the mistakes/ sins I have committed in the past. Inshallah I am planning to perform Hajj in near future. As I have to seek forgiveness from all the people i have interacted before I do it , I am feeling a bit nervous and also bad. Is it compulsory to do it.. More
Dear br. Assalaamu Alaikum! Since my childhood I have been hearing from religious speech that we should not perform Hajj if there are any girls in our blood relation who could not get married due to financial problems and if there is no one in our family, we should look for our seventh neighbor, in both cases if there is no girls then we can go.. More
I am working at Jeddah. Last year I wanted to perform Hajj along with my wife, but due to my father's health I went to India my homeland, so I missed the Hajj. Now my wife is pregnant. Inshaa Allaah this year Hajj she will be in India. I will be in Jeddah. But I want to perform Hajj with Her. It will be good Inshaa Allaah our child should grow. So.. More
I work in Qatar with my family and my parents live in India. This year we are intending to do Hajj Inshaa Allaah. My parents will arrive from India and we will join them from Qatar. I have my mother-in-law who wants to do hajj also. But I being the only Mahram, I want her to do the hajj with me and accompany my mother and father from India... More
My mother is suffering with Arthritis and she can't walk long distances and problem walking on stairs. She wants to perform Hajj this year along with my father. They will be traveling from India. I and my wife will be traveling for Hajj from Doha, Inshaa Allaah. Can I ask your advice on this regard in making their Hajj without any difficulty?.. More
What is the legality of the Hajj performed by a Muslim, but was sponsored by a non-Muslim? .. More
Does a pilgrim go to Jannah if he dies while performing the Hajj?.. More
One of my friends told me that we cannot perform Hajj if one or both of our parents are alive and they have not performed it yet. If our parents are alive, they must perform Hajj before we do so. Otherwise, we can perform Hajj if both of our parents have died. Is it true? Personally, I don't believe this. Please advise as per the Islamic teachings... More
if I need to make Umrah and I will have my monthly period on the same week, I will take pills contraceptives to delay it just for these days my question is that if I got drops of blood during the Umrah will I consider this blood Tahir or not cause it is the date due for my period? And if it is Tahir and dropped during Tawaaf shall I continue.. More
I want to know that if I have done the obligatory Hajj and Umrah, then is it recommended to go for Hajj again, or should I prefer to go for Umrah? .. More
It is believed that a person becomes pure as a new born baby after performing Hajj so it is compulsory to offer the missed fasting and prayers which were missed before Hajj? .. More
How does a female pilgrim who skips Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah due to menstruation make up for the Tawaaf if she already left Makkah for her home country with the Hajj group with which she came before her menses stopped?.. More
This is on behalf of my spouse. As we are aware that one woman during her menstruating period cannot do Tawaaf of Ka'bah. We are intending to go Hajj this year. Our route plan as decided by the tour manager is via Medina. On reaching the Meeqaat if she happens to come across her periods then she believes she has to take Ghusl and put on her Ihraam.. More
What are the conditions for an acceptable Hajj according to Sunnah?
What are the conditions for an acceptable Hajj according to Sunnah?
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