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Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling on the one who says that the niqab is not part of Islam and that it is a Persian custom that seeks to enslave women and rob them of their rights? Has the niqab been proven to be a part of Islam through textual evidence? And is the one who denies it considered a nonbeliever?
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A sister asked me this question: how big an area of the face can women expose; are the ears included in that? She said that this verse does not prohibit a woman from showing her ears: {And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what [must ordinarily].. More
If it is hard for a girl who wears niqab to eat in a restaurant, then can she remove it? People stare at her! What should she do?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I want to go to a gym because I am overweight, and in the place where I am in now, there are only mixed gyms, some so big that they have swimming pools, courts, and other stuff. I searched and discovered that there was one gym for men only, but it burned down, so as far as I know, there is no alternative. What I want to ask is whether.. More
lI asked a question about talking before, but I have another one. Is it ok to not listen to the voice of non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) men in permissible cases? Is this called 'pardah'?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am kind of embarrassed to ask this question, but here it is. I am an adult Muslim and my mom recentlygave birth to a baby. She feeds the baby with her breastmilk, but her breasts produce a lot more milk than the baby could consume. This makes her breasts and nipples sore and painful. So she milks her breasts and removes the extra.. More
Assalaamu alaykum.Is it alright to wear a bracelet on my left wrist while I am out in the public, and is it okay to wear a necklace that people used to wear to keep the evil eye away, which they do not do anymore? The necklace is from Jerusalem.
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I have read on another website that ʻAa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her,went to a public bath due to her illness. 1. What is a public bath? 2. Are women allowed to take a public bath, and why?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about a situation that our sisters are facing today. There are so many sisters that are choosing to work/study and leave their child in kindergarten, where the disbelievers are raising them. I know about some sisters that were leaving their eight-month-old baby in kindergarten so that they could study, and the people.. More
Is it haram for me to go to the color run, which is mixed, given that I will be accompanied by my friends (all girls) and an adult who will be there to supervise?
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I have a serious issue regarding my wife, and I need a fatwa on this issue. My wife wears the hijab and niqab (maa shaa Allaah), but when we go to a restaurant during the weekend, people stare at her because of her niqab! My question is: is it permissible to remove my wife's niqab?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissable to stay in your parent's house after marriage with your wife keeping in mind that there are other brothers also living in the house and that it is small house, not a big one? I am asking because my brother has brought his wife to life with us in my parent's house and does not want to move out, and his wife, my sister-in-la.. More
Imagine there is a woman (properly dressed in full hijab) with two to three non-mahram (marriageable) men in a room. What should be the minimum distance (in meter/feet or whatever) between any of the men and the woman?
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I understand and agree with the concept of a Muslimah's dress in public being simple, but is it really required to wear plain clothing with no designs and so on it? I am obviously not talking of big, bold, colourful designs, but is there any evidence that requires plain garments that do not have any flowery designs or dots/stripes to be worn bywomen?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. As I asked question 2592233 before, I feel that I have not found a relevant reply to my question as it was compared to a previous case of a sister which I feel was a completely different scenario compared to my question. I hence repeat my question: I am a 22-year-old female from India, I just completed.. More
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