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My sister wear Hijab in front of everyone but due to some problem she is unable to do so far some person such as her husband's brother and some relatives but she wears Hijab with everyone. Is it correct to wear Hijab with some person and not others or she should wear Hijab with everyone.
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I'm living alone for one month in Canada preparing for my Ph.D. and I'm waiting for my husband and my children to come within 2 months. What is the opinion of the religion of being alone?
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I will be having a baby soon, and I wear the Hijab. Do I have to wear my Hijab during labor if a male doctor or a male nurse is present and there is no option for a female doctor or nurse? Or am I not obligated to keep it on when in labor?.. More
We live in a country unfortunately where we cannot avoid mixing at school etc. I want to start a children’s club for the Muslim community in my area. At what age should the boys and girls be separated? Are there any Ahadeeth that state certain circumstances we can solve this problem an easier way. Surely Allah is Most Merciful and Islam is supposed.. More
I am a new Muslimah having just taken my Shahada a month ago. I wear hijab but I have a problem with clothing as I only own one long skirt and one long shirt which I have heard are not proper cover and I need to wear an abaya but I have no money to buy either? Is my skirt ok to wear until I can afford the proper covering? I obviously cannot stay inside.. More
I would like to know if a women can give a Da'wah in a public place like the Internet? Tell me a hadith or Surah/ayat that mentions that in the Quran.Jazaka allah... More
I am a Tunisian woman. I am preparing a PHD in telecommunications in France. I am wearing the scarf. I am married and my husband and I are going to go back to Tunisia at the end of our studies. The problem is that in Tunisia the scarf is forbidden and it is certain that I can't work wearing it. My husband may have some problems finding a job because.. More
According to my understanding the order of covering face was revealed when Muslim women were disturbed and harmed by non-Muslims. It is amazing that even Muslim men nowadays look at women and talk about them etc. So, I think that the covering face is only compulsory where the women are unsafe or harmed like during traveling or moving from place to place.. More
Can I take niqab on and off, i.e. according to situation and where I go?.. More
1) What do the Ulema say in case of Eid and Jumma Prayers for woman. Are both these prayers to performed in Jammat and with Khutba? How do women say these two salat. Are they supposed to say these prayers? Kindly explain in details.2) What are the basic differences in the saying of Salats between man and woman? Please list all differences, if any... More
I'm from Canada and we received group of reciters from Indonesia. Among them was a woman. My question is : Is it allowed for a woman to make a public recitation or to be a reciter?.. More
What is the law in ISLAM regarding woman working outside the home, e.g. as an housemaid in an other country and without "mahram"? Is it permissible in ISLAM ?
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Is a Muslim woman allowed (in Islamic law) to feed her baby in front of her step-father? Does she have to put Hijaab in the presence of her step-father, as some say 'yes' and some say 'no'?.. More
From Islamic perspective, is it permissible for Muslim women to model (for clothes), become a spokesperson and endorse certain brands? The international brands usually originated from U.S, for example, Avon, Maybelline, Pepsi etc... More
What should woman wear in front of other women in swimming pool?
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