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I come from India, where most of hte families have their their Sons and Husband's working aboard for earning a living. The wives stay in the joint family home, serving husband mother, brothers and father. Is it then right for the mother in law to discourage son from calling his wife aboard, stop the daugther in law from going to her parents house?.. More
As salamu aleykum, I have a question concerning my right according to my salary. Me and my husband are both working. Every month I am useing all my salary on rent, bills and food and my husband pays the rest of what my salary is not engough for. The rest of his money he is saving to travel and to pay an apartment he owns with her sister in another.. More
i am married and living with my mother in law since last 10 yrs ,thou he has an elder brother where they lived tog, after my marriage he and his mother came tog my concern is my husband been the lst son attachment and bonding is true but my husband get upset or even angry when ever i say anything regarding his mother and i try to talk to him for.. More
I am goin to get married soon in India. I have a few doubts regarding the marriage contract. 1) Is it permissible for my bride's parents to gift their daughter with gold and land as gift? If my bride gives those things or land to me, can I make use of it? {It is not a demanded dowry} 2) I plan to give the waleemah on the wedding day after the nikkah.. More
Asssalamalaikum, Pls help me in clarifying, my wife was on end of mensturation period & before taking ghusul, she requested me to have sex on the upper ovary without fully inserting & i did the same, pls calrify whetehr it is permissible or not.. More
My sister invite her boyfriend to come for an introducton with his parents to our house, but in the course of introduction they now urge the boy to pay for my sister sadaqi which my sister does not like. My question is that is there no difference between introduction and Nikkahi and can u plead the bride to collect her dowry during the introduction.. More
Asalamualaikum. Iam a married woman with a 4 month year old son at the age of 19. My husband n I are living with his parents and his younger brother since my marriage a year ago. The problem is that my mother in law is very rude to me. She blames me for anything that goes wrong in the house. I cook for everyone in the house and most of the time.. More
My wife doesn't like to do french kiss. Should I force her to do french kiss or avoid doing that. Apart from french kiss she fulfills all her duties of a wife and doesn't stop me from anything... More
on behalf of my muslim brother If I am calling my wife for intercourse daily (because I can't able control my desires), some time she is rejecting my call due to head bath (ghusl). She is feeling that daily/regular head bath will harm her health & some time head bath harms her. So, in this case what shall we do ? Can she accept my call & can.. More
Asslamualaikum wa RAhmatuLLAHI Wa Barakaatuhu wa Maghfiratuhu! Dear Sir, Am writing this to you, with Full humbleness and loads of pain and lots of Hope! My problem is very unique and strange, mine is a Love Marriage, I cannot bear children (as my uterus is absent since birth, I also knew to some extent that I could not perform sex, which I told.. More
My wife wants to be included in the ownership contract of my house. What is the Islamic ruling on that, given that she works for a monthly salary and she did not contribute in buying or restoring that house?.. More
I had sexual intercourse with my wife while her menses was not completely over; she still had a few yellowish excretions. What is the due expiation for such a sin, or is it not regarded a sin? .. More
Assalamualaikum...I am married for the past 10 months...alhumdulillah my husband so far is co operative...i used to work as a teacher but now tat i m 8 months pregnant,he has asked me to take leave.i m in my mom s place till the delivery cuz my mom in law said the first baby delivery charges shd be borne by my dad..ens to whatever she says...she wanted.. More
i divorced my wife after i found out she had relations with another man and become pregnant with his child,its been i year since and i havent yet paid her dowry,is she still entittled to it?.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Wrwb This is for my brother.He is married for 11years now,has 1son and 1 daughter.Last year they moved to Canada.His wife from the beginning of marriage was not very friendly and warm with either husband nor in-laws.Sometimes she would disobey her husband.How ever things moved as my brother was very patient with her. After reaching.. More
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