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aslama caleykum my q is what do u do if your husband sleeps at he´s single friends house and also if you have smal children.. More
Dear Brother in Islam, Assalamu alaikum (war). I am working in Dubai for the past five years. Initially I came here because of the burden of Debts. Also I am planning to go back to India after One year Insha ALLAH. My wife with my three kids used to stay with my mother in-law ( her mother), but because of some differences with her family members, my.. More
Assalamoualikum I just get married, me and my husband want to take our full time in order that i get deflowered. But my family and his family urges us to complete this quickly , they ask us everyday whether its already done. Please advice us , can we lie to them , telling them its already done, because its a personel matter that we want to share only.. More
Salamualikumwarahamtullahiwabaraktuhu 5 years bak I got married then after a year my huband gave divorce to me bcoz he was invovled with some another women I'm having a child from him.Then after 7 months again I got married Alhumdulillah and I'm his 2 wife he is doing job in Dubai.After Nikah he has spent only 5 days with me and now its more than.. More
If a Muslim man gets married and after he marries, his wife asks him to pay for her to visit her home country every year, the husband agrees reluctantly because he doesn't want to upset her, but he doesn't want to pay for this, because he wants to save more money each year, what should the man do if the wife insists he pays? Before marriage the wife.. More
My wife says she wants to visit her parents and demands that she will stay with them not less than two days or three days and some times one week. I give her permission only for 12 hours since we are far off, and my mother is bed-redden further more I cannot stay without my wife because I get bad thoughts, finally she refuses to go. She says I am trying.. More
salam alaikum please help me due to family crisis i am staying out of the country i can not keep my wife with me due to less salary & i am doing internet chatting with my wife & using webcam to see both of us during chatting we can not control & our desire i use to show private parts & do masturbation & relase sperm is it permissible.. More
Is kissing, licking wife's feet or any other female's feet is halal?.. More
Asalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatahu, Dear Brothers in Islam, I'm a Muslim man, married for about 15 years now and Alhamdulilah with 8 children. With 8 children alive, my wife aborted 3 times because of some weakness in her ovary as she had delivered children continuously without child spacing. We have tried to naturally plan our family by refraining.. More
I am a woman who married in an Arab country and then moved to Britain to live with my husband. The problem is that my husband has weak faith, and my efforts to change him are fruitless. Satan always drags him away from Islam by wasting long hours in front of the Internet or the TV. Will you please help me. What is your advice to me?.. More
it is said that in it is sunnah that women can ask for money before marriage other than maher (which is obligatory a man should give to his wife) can u give me some expalnation on this... More
Assalamu Aalykum 1. Is is obligatory to pay the full Mahr before meeting the wife? Can One make promise to pay it later on? And pay it partially? 2. In our society there is a tradition of asking wife to forgive Mahr, is it okai according to the sharia? 3. Some Scholar says no need to follow any school of Mazhab, one only has to follow the Quraan and.. More
My wife is religious, but she does not totally adhere to the Islamic teachings. I do not want to force her. What should I do? Please, support the answer with some Hadeeths and Quranic verses. .. More
When a sister marries a brother who is not employed, but he promises to take care of her, how long does she put up with his unemployment?.. More
Assalamu alaikum, first of all I make du aa for your great service .my Question is - One of my friend told me that it is haram or makrooh to have sex with wife on the night before eid(if tommorrow is eid festivel).I never heard about that. Is that true?is there any hadith for that? please answer me. jazakallahu hairun.. More
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