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What is ruling on the one who says that Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) rulings are established only through evidence, with full certainty, and who debates scholars in defense of this opinion? Has any scholar, either in the past or in this age, advocated the same opinion?
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Dear Shaikh, Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah ..
A story is being circulated in which it says that a scholar spoke about "LISTENING TO ALLAH and OBEYING ALLAH THROUGH INTUITION."
Jazaak Allaahu Khairan .... More
Assalamalaikum my question is that at a certain situation how we have to take descision when we find in that particular things both benefit and harm or sin.But the benfit is more than harm or sin.So here i have to weigh both the things and take the desicion that which one is more.So please explain me islamic principle for such kind of situations... More
Assalaamu alaikum, A sister from our forums is asking the following question, "If the four Imams agree on a ruling, would this amount to a "consensus", i.e. "ijma"? Because, when there is "ijma" on a ruling, the proof that the scholars used might be forgotten. At least, this is what I learnt in Usul al-Fiqh." We hope you can answer her question, jazak.. More
what is istehsan? tell me the detail of istehsan,its meaning and propher,s and His companions saying about istehsan... More
Is it permissible for Muslim scholars to ignore Sunnah Mutawaterah and a verse in the Quran for the excuse of (Saad Al Zarae) to make what is allowed not allowed? .. More
Does Ijmaa' play a role in Islamic society today? .. More
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