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As salam alaikum, After Friday prayers, I usually recite Surat "Al Kahf" & Surat "Al Yasin" and in my supplication ask the Almighty Allah (swt) to bestow "Thwaab" to my parents & other close relativves (Allah Erhum Hum). Is this appropriate and permissible... More
What is the ruling on reciting Al-Faatihah, [Quran, chapter 1], in a group on the dead Muslims? .. More
Does each and every verse in the Quran have a servant, like verse 255 for instance? Can this servant appear to a pious person through what is called sport or being in seclusion with him and then conditions on him some conditions like fasting on some particular days, visiting graves and refraining from all kinds of prohibitions (minor and major sins),.. More
What is the ruling on Reading Al-Faatihah [Quran, chapter 1] in order to make a way out to a difficulty or to get an abundant provision? For instance in stands reserved for teaching the Quran, some food is donated and the Quran teacher would read chapter Al-Faatihah for those who made donations, is this permissible? .. More
Please let me know what the consensus is for reciting Surah Baqarah in a new home or on the purchase of a new car, etc? Does recitation of this Surah prevent evil? Please mention any evidence you have... More
Can you have some passages of the Quran recited before some special events e.g. Nikaah, Aqeeqah, Waleemah or any other events where lots of Muslims gather for some events. May Allaah reward you for assisting us to understand His Deen.
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If we have a certain problem and of course when distress, a Muslim turns towards Allaah and recites the Quran. If we open the Quran for guidance and a Surah giving good news is opened and this Surah is opened everytime we open the Quran then what does it mean? Does it mean that we should recite this Surah often and pray or is it a good tiding?.. More
I would like to know about Jinns. How to remove jinn if it has come in someone of us or how to take it in if we want to. Or how can we remove jinn from any house or any tree, etc. Is it true that if we recite Surah jinn some 40 times in one dark room we get a jinn in our control? Please explain me briefly. .. More
What is the Daleel for reading surah Yasin 41 times to achieve our desire?.. More
Is it the ways of the Sunnah to perform the following:
*Tahlil gathering with reading of the Surah Ya-seen every Thursday night?
* Reading the last 13 Surah of the Qur'aan after the reading of the Qur'aan every night?
* Reading Surah Ya-seen every morning to start the day?
* Is there any Hadeeth Saheeh to confirm all the above.. More
Qur'aan recitation (20-30 people get together and each person read one or two Juz (part) and all of them together finish one Qur'aan at a single setting). They do not read it out aloud and after the whole Qur'aan is finish one person read a Du'aa, there is refreshments and drinks at the end. Some people do it every week at their house and.. More
Is there any basis from the authentic Sunnah to read Surah Maryam and Surah Yusuf while a woman is pregnant in order to ease the pains of labour and delivery? Kindly confirm whether this is allowed or is it a Bid'ah?.. More
Ibought a new house. How do I go about the inauguration process? DoI have tohave a Qur’an reciting session, etc? Should I invite all my relatives for the opening? Please tell me about the correct method according to the Shariah and Sunnah of the Prophet... More
Gathering to read Qur’an for the dead or for celebration not for learning and teaching... More
In my country they have a ceremony called 'Khatam' al-Qur'an whereby each of us is given say three chapters (Juzu'e) to read at home, then we will have a final ceremony where we will read the last Juzu'e together. Is this an innovation?
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