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My question is about Surah An-Nisa 140 and its meaning.
Does being or sitting beside or around people who commit kufr or shirk in any possible way, with or without especially/verbally expressing/ mocking islam or any verses from the Quran. Like online on chat rooms or at places or groups in real life, make a muslim a disbeliever if he or she doesn’t.. More
Ibn Katheer says in his tafsir for 56:11 that As-Suddi said that the people of the right hand comprise the majority of the people of Paradise. I am wondering what is the evidence for that? If it is true, does it mean that most Muslims will not go to Hell?
Also, is there any evidence for what portion of Muslims will be punished at all, or in the grave?
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As-Salamu Aleikum. I just read fatwa 395743. In the answer you said that Ibn Kathir does not agree that sura 60:8 is abrogated, yet (as is in the question to the fatwa) in tafseer Al-Jalalayn it says that sura 60:8 is abrogated. Whom shall we trust then? Whom shall we follow? Ibn Kathir who might not have added this information into his tafseer or rather.. More
Asalamo AlaikumIn Ayat ul kursi it says slumber does not overtake him.There is a hadith in which it says that "“A woman from the tribe of Bani Asad was sitting with me, and the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, came to my house and said, ‘Who is this?’ I said, ‘She is so-and-so; she does not sleep at night because she.. More
In Surat Al-Baqarah, two different words are used for sexual relations; one is rafath, and the other is baashiroohunna. Why were two different words used for the same act in the same verse? Or do they have different meanings, like one reffering to foreplay and the other to the actual act?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was just wondering whether verse 55:56 talks about the houris or the female believers of this world, and the same with 56:35. Also, why does verse 55:56 say 'feehinna' instead of 'feehima'?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Verse 33:23 makes it sound like we, the Muslims, should wish to die, as if we want death.
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Hi. Quran 4:12 says that if a man leaves neither ascendants nor descendants but has a sister, then for her is one sixth of inheritance, but Quran 4: 176 says that if a man leaves neither descendants nor ascendants, His sister will have half of what he left. A man has one sister only, what is her inheritance, 1/6, 1/3, or 1/2? Quran 4:12 also says that.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. In the verses of Surat Al-layl, Allah said: (what means) {As for he who gives and fears Allah, and believes in the best [reward], We will ease him toward ease. But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need, and denies the best [reward], We will ease him toward difficulty.} [Quran 92: 5-10] If I am not wrong, one of.. More
Could you please interpret the verse 5:85 of the Quran? What does it mean?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering, what does verse 55:72 mean by 'restraint'? Does it mean that the Houris are not allowed to go outside, as if they were slaves, or does it mean that they have a modest gaze? And is it the same for the worldly women as well; are they not allowed to go outside in heaven and do what they want?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Can you give me the different interpretations of 21:104? I do not understand this verse.
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An atheist asked a Muslim a question. He said that if the hadiths say that Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,performed miracles, then why does Surah Al-Ankaboot verse number 50 say that Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,did not do so? An atheist said that this verse contradicts the hadiths. Please, can you explain this?.. More
With harship [will be] ease; is this only for the believers, or is it for all the people? Yasmin Mogehed says that difficulty and pain do not always last, and I heard Christians say something similiar. Is this true for all people, and if so, is it for the next life too, given that we know that most people will be in Hell? Maybe this answer could help.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. We understand that in the Quran, Sabr means patience. What is the clear and deep explanation of the pious predecessors for the verse that says (what means): {So be patient with gracious patience}? [Quran 70:5] May Allaah reward you.
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