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What is the meaning of the Saying al Allaah (what means): {…until it returns [appearing] like the old date stalk.} [Quran 36:39]?.. More
Who are the male attendants who have no physical desires?
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What is the meaning of the recitation of dawn which is ever witnessed that is mentioned in [Quran 17:78]?.. More
Did Allaah create day or sun first or night or moon? Is there evidence in Quran or Hadeeth or any Tafseer? Allaah Says: "Nor does the night forerun the day" (36:40). Does this Verse mean day comes first? .. More
I want please to know the explanation of Ayah Number 99, page 84 in Surah An-Nisaa'. In addition to reasons for stating this Ayah... More
According to Verse 41:53 can it be interpreted that everybody before his death Allaah will make them feels that Quran is Truth? As the Verse says We will show them that Quran is Truth.Dr. Bilaal Philips interpreted this way in his book 'True religion of God'. But there is a Verse which says where message is not reached there is no punishment-see.. More
Allaah Says: "We have revealed unto thee the Remembrance that thou may make explain to mankind that which hath been revealed for them, and that haply they may reflect." [16:44]
We couldn't find explanation given by the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, for every verse of the Quran. Most of the explanation of the Quranic verses in the Tafseer.. More
In Verse 13:38-39 Allaah Says about Decree that Allaah blots what He wills and confirms what He wills. Does this mean that Allaah will make changes in our Fate as and when He wills?.. More
I have a question about Surah Taha. What is the meaning of the sentence Istana'tuka li Nafsi? .. More
In Ayah 61 of Surah Najm, what exactly does 'Saamidoon' mean? Also, please quote some Hadeeth (if available) is referring to 'Saamidoon' of this Ayah. .. More
Can you please clarify to me what exactly does God mean when He Says that "Women are made from the ribs of men" does it mean that we women are made out of skeletal ribs that encloses their lungs and heart is made of men? Or does it have some deep meaning? What about the women who get divorce later on? And also the girls/women who die before they.. More
Can you please explain this verse: "The snake was sent down to Asbahan"? Tafseer Ibn Katheer: volume: 1, page: 199-200. .. More
The verse 17:110 says: "Neither speaks thy Prayer aloud, nor speaks it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."
In the above verse, it is mentioned that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, should not pray neither aloud nor be silent. I read that the scholars say that the verse is specific to Tahajjud. On what basis do the scholars.. More
I have a question about something I read in the Quran verse: 38 part 27, "That no burdened person (with sins) shall bear the burden (sins) of another." So, how is that possible if Aadams some who was the first to kill, he will take sins from everyone who kills after him? And how can someone who wears revealing clothes take sins for someone.. More
Please refer Holy Quran 2:62 "Ennalladeena Amanoo Walladeena Hadoo wa Nnasaara wa Sabiyeena man Aamana Billaahi wal Yaumil Aaqhiri wa Amila Saalihan Falahum Ajruhum Entha Rabbihim wala Qaufun alayhim walaahum yahsinoon." Please explain this Ayah. Some Christian clerics are justifying their belief by quoting this Ayah and they argue they will.. More
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