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1041 fatwas

  • Tanweer Al-Miqbaas min Tafseer Ibn 'Abbaas

    Is (Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas) a authentic Hanafi tafsir .. More

  • Recommended books on reasons of revelation

    Salaam, Can you kindly recommend some books for me on the topic of asbaabun-nuzool and its fundamentals? Secondly, do you need to have a good foundation of hadeeth before studying Tafseer? Jazaakallaahu Khayrana .. More

  • Reciting Quran loudly in presence of others

    Can we recite Quran-ul-kareem loudly where other people are present... also women... not in that room but in other room from where your voice can reach them?.. More

  • Tafseer: recommended books and contemporary scholars

    As-Salamu 'Alaykum, I have several questions regarding tafseer. Is Tafseer At-Tabari the best tafseer (and do you know if it available in English)? Secondly, I wish to become a mufassir (or study tafseer deeply at the very least). Can you tell me how to go about it? Any entry level primer books on tafseer you can recommend for me? Who are our foremost.. More

  • Why women and children are included in Mubaahalah

    Assalamu alaikum, In the Quran 3:61, Allah asks the Prophet to tell the people of the book to summon muslims' and people of book's sons & women and invoke curse on those who lie. The children are generally innocent and unaware of anything about the dispute regarding for which curse is done. Why are they to be involved in the curse and will they.. More

  • Sitting on chair while Quran reciter is sitting on floor

    Assalamu Alaikum respected Scholars, this is defintely paining me please clarify it. Paying respect to the Qur'an. Is this the way to pay to respect Qur'an that you should not sit on a chair or a bed if somebody is sitting and reciting Qur'an on the floor. I have 1 hall and 1 kitchen, now my childrens if they sit and recite Qur'an on the floor then.. More

  • Which tree did Aadam eat from?

    Prophet Adam,according to zalikal kitab was banished from the paradise because he fed from the forbidden fruit.what is this fruit that he ate?.. More

  • Meaning of Quran 11:15-16

    Assalamu Alaikum, In the Quran (11: 15,16) the verse states that those desire only this world will get all their rewards in this world and in hereafter they will be in hellfire. Also there are ahadith which says the same concept. Many disbelievers want all their needs to be fulfilled in this world and they are not worried about the Akhirah but still.. More

  • Meaning of Quran 48:2

    What does the saying of Allaah: {That Allaah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow...} (48.2) mean? .. More

  • Allaah created earth for humans but dinosaurs lived before them

    Assalamu Alaikum, According to Quran, God created earth for mankind. Scientists have discovered based on fossil records that dinosaurs were living in the earth even before humans. How could we reconcile what is mentioned in the Quran and what science have discovered and explain that God created earth for mankind? .. More

  • Celebrating a child learning the Quran

    Assalamulaaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu My question is my 7 year old daughter masha Allah is finishing the learning of recitation of Quran. My Maulana who is teaching her says we should have a get together and celebrate her learning to recite. Is that from the sunnah? Can I do it? In he Indian Subcontinent they hold a ceremony called "Al Aameen".. More

  • The meeting between Moosa and Al-Khidhr, may Allaah exalt their mention

    Assalamualaikum, how do we know the person with Musa (peace be upon him) was Khidr (peace be upon him)? As the name is not mentioned din Quran.... More

  • Meaning of Quran 7:151

    Assalamu Alaikum, In the Quran, the verse 6:151 starts with Say, "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you". The verse includes the phrase "to parents, good treatment". Why is this phrase included when the verse lists all prohibition list? .. More

  • Meaning of the word “As-Samaa’” in the Quran

    In the Quran the sky is referred to as-sama’,as-samawat & as-sama ad-dunya. a) What is the best definition of the three terms mentioned that is given by mufassirs b) What is their relationship between each other? c) What would each of the term refer to, in our present scientific understanding of the Universe? d) Also in 3:133 it is.. More

  • Meaning of Quroo’ in the verse 2:228

    Assalamu Alaikum, In Quran, Allah says that divorced woman should wait for three period of Quroo' before the husband may separate from her fully or take her back if it is first or second divorce. I read that scholars differed regarding the meaning of quroo either as state of menstruation or state of becoming clean after menstruation. What is.. More