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1041 fatwas

  • The last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah

    When books say to read the last Ayaats of Sura Baqarah, is it 2 Ayahs? Or is it 3 Ayaahs? Or does it depend on the Hadith and situation? Do scholars differ in their opinion? .. More

  • The minimum term of pregnancy according to the Quran

    Bismillah Assalaamuu Alaikum warahamatuhlahi wbarakatuh! I am being tediously harassed with this question from the kufar. Can you please send me an answer as soon as possible. "The Koran provides that the length of a normal gestation (pregnancy) is six months (Luqman 31:14; al-Baqarah 2:233; al-Ahqaf 46:15). Luqman 31:14 and al-Baqarah 2:233 provide.. More

  • A menstruating woman touching the Quran for necessity

    What is the ruling on reciting the Quran (which entails physically touching a printed copy (Mus’haf)) during menstruation or past-partum bleeding in cases of necessity when a woman is a student or a teacher?.. More

  • Reciting the verse (2:255) along with the two verses after it

    While reciting Ayatul Kursi (2:255), is it optional to read verses 256 and 257 (whether a person is reciting in general, or reciting in a special Salaah)? Or does it depend on the Hadith and situation? Do scholars differ in their opinion?.. More

  • Her non-Muslim family raises conceptions about the Quran

    Assalamu alaikum, Some people says that Koran was originally written in Armenian language and that al-hoor al-‘iyn actually was wine grapes but was translated wrongly, what is correct view in this matter? And what shall i say to these people? I live in Finland and my family is christian so i get a lot of questions, especially when media shows programs.. More

  • A Hadeeth about the reason of revelation of Surah Al-Ikhlaas

    As Salaam Alaykum, Ibn Abbas has reported that a deputation of the Christians of Najran along with seven priests visited the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi wa Sallam), and they said: "O Muhammad, tell us what is your Lord like and of what substance He is made."The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) replied: "My Lord is not made from any substance:.. More

  • A praying person performing the prostration of recitation in Surah Al-Alaq

    As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmat ALLAHe wa Barakaatu. While in congregational prayer, how should one make prostration during recitation of the Qur'aan (Sujood at-Tilaawah) in Surah al-Alaq? The method seems quiet complicated for whether one should prostrate (for Tilaawah) or bow for rak'ah in the end of the verse, can you relieve us with this matter with.. More

  • His non-Muslim teacher has probably mocked the Quran

    Asslamualykum Respectable Imam I want to share an important issue regarding Holy Quran's respect. Actually I'm a student in Sweden and studying Masters Degree Programme in Environmental Science here. During one class lecture few days ago our class teacher commented on Holy Quran , which i think might be considered carefully and should be evaluated for.. More

  • The Bible says 'Believe that ye receive them'

    Salam Alaykom, I am a Muslim but I want to ask a question regarding what the bible says. The bible says "Believe that ye receive them" Ok may question is: I know that the Jews changed alot of verses in the Bible but i wan't to know if that verse has not been changed? And also I'd like to ask whether there is a verse in the Kuran that states something.. More

  • Taking a fee for teaching the Quran

    Asalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.. Hoping that all of my brothers and sisters in islam are all well and healthy Inshallah... My question.. What is the ruling on mosque teachers asking for fees to teach children? My second question is that.. I know a person that is fighting pnumonia and is critically ill.. he has infected his brain,.. More

  • Deleting SMS messages which contain Quranic verses

    Salam Aleikum, i want to know the authenticity of the claim which i got in a mobile message. Is there actually a hadith which says so ? Appeal: Don't SMS Ayaats of the Quran, they get deleted. This is one of the signs of Qiyamat that Muslims themselves would erase the Quran by their own hands. frwrd to all frnd... More

  • Does the first son of Aadam share the sin of every murderer?

    What is the rationale behind the Hadeeth (narration) of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that the first son of Aadam (Adam), may Allaah exalt his mention, shares with every killer the guilt of the crime? Is this similar to the concept of original sin in Christianity where the person is responsible for a sin he did not commit? Or is it.. More

  • Reason of revelation of Surah Al-Ikhlaas

    Salaamu Alaykum, Shiekh, I was watching an Question & Answer session on T.v. conducted by Dr.Zakir Naik where he said that : "A Christian man came to Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and said what is ALLAH (Almighty)? The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was quiet for some moment and then Jibreel (As) ascended with revelation concerning.. More

  • Reciting Quran [23:115-118] for healing

    Asslamo alaikum! my question is that is their any hadith in which it is mention that, the last three ayats of surah Muminoon can be recite for shifa (health healing). Jazakullah khair.. More

  • Difference between Dhiyaa’ and Noor

    Salamalaikum its like i wanted to know the meaning of it reflected light or just light???? can a muslim keep his name as moinullah.........may allah reward you.. More