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As-salaamu-alaykum. Is the Hadith in Tirmiziy authentic that states rewards of 100 pilgramages when saying subghanallah 100 times morning and evening. Also algamdulillah is like giving 100 horses for battle, laillaha illallah reward of freeing 100 slaves and allahu Akbar no one will bring anything better on the Day of Resurrection. Shukran
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It is mentioned in a hadith that Nabi (sallalaahu alayhi wassallam) said, ” When a female child is born,AllahTa’ala sends His angels to that house. They come to the dwellers of the house and pray that peace may be upon them, The angels then cover the newly born girl in the shadow of their wings and caressing the head of the baby with their hands.. More
Asalama 'alaikum Is it true that Allah ( azza wa jal) will recite surah Rahman to the inhabitants of jannah?
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A shia said in response to Abu Talib breastfeeding the Prophet mentioned in Al Kafi. The Hadith goes like this in Tarikh Baghdad V15 page 146: Narrated on the authority of Abul Hassan Muhammed Ibn Assad Ibn Ali al-Katib and al-Hassan Ibn Abu bakr al-mu’adal from Ahmad Ibn Abu ‘awf who said I heard my uncle and my dad both say ” we were in the.. More
Please do tell me is this an authentic quote from Hazrat Imam Ali (AS): "A woman can hide her love for 40 years, but she can't hide her hatred for more than an hour. And if the eyes of a woman cry over a man that oppressed her, then the Angels will curse him with every step he walks"
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Aslamu Alaikum, Can you please authenticate the following hadith for me: "Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) related, “There are three people whose prayers will not be accepted by Allah, nor do any good deed of theirs risen up to heaven: a fleeing slave until he returns to his master and helps him, a woman whose husband is angry with her until.. More
ASSALAM ALEIKUM I WAS INQUIRING ON THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS HADITH "It is related on the authority of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah ennoble his countenance): ‘When you see the black flags, remain where you are and do not move your hands or your feet (It’s a common phrase meaning: “Stay put and don’t get involved in the fighting”). Thereafter.. More
is this sanad of athar sahih? this is narrated by Imam al Bayhaqi and al Targheeb fe ad-Dua by Abdul ghani al Maqdasi no. 61 chapter of dua al hajah Abu Ali al Hasan bin Ahmad bin Ibraheem bin Shazaan--Abdullah bin Jafar bin Darastawiyah--Yaqub bin Sufiyan--Ahmad bin Shabeeb bin Saeed--Shabeeb bin Saeed--Roh bin al Qasim--Abi Jafar al Madeeni--Abi Amama.. More
the person came from village he asked prophet sallahu alihi va sallam to advise special prayer to bring all rizk for him, the prophet replied him that pray sunna prayer after luhar salah 4(2+2) rakath in thursday and advise special surah's to read in 4 rakath Is this authentic??? pls advise
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Does this hadeeth exists and what is it's soundness,"Whoever sends blessings upon me two hundred times on Friday,his sins of 200 years will be forgiven." Jazakallah
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As-salaam alaikum dear shaikh there is a Mawdo (fabricated) hadeeth in Hisn-ul-Muslim (very famous book of dua) for saying dua during morning and evening, so can we follow fabricated hadeeth for dua and I want to distribute pamphlets among muslims for this dua , so is it lawful. The hadeeth reads as following ----- Abu al-Darda’ said: if anyone says.. More
Somebody told me about a hadith that husband and wife should not share their towel...if they do it leads to more fight n misunderstanding between them. Please let me know if its true.
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It is narrated by Ibn Abbas (ra) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I prayed in Masjid al-Khayf in which there is (grave) of 70 Prophets. Imam al-Hafidh al Mundhiri (rah) after narrating it said: Translation: Imam Tabrani has narrated it in his Al-Awsat and the Isnad is "HASSAN" [Targheeb wa Tarheeb, Volume No.2, Page No. 117, Published by Dar.. More
Is there any Hadeeth speaking about "A time will come upon my ummah when they will be practicing ten percent of Islam and they will be successful " JazakAlkah khair .. More
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu! There is a very famous story circulating on Internet and many speakers use it in their speeches. No one has ever mentioned any source for it in their speeches or on online forums. The story is about a Sahaabi with the name Sa’ad Al-Aswad Al-Sulumi who mentioned to the Prophet (peace be upon him) that.. More
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