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In At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb, I read the following Hadeeths (narrations):
1- When a man raises his building above seven Thiraa‘s (64 cm), he will be called, "O the most wicked man! Where are you going?"
2- When Allaah The Almighty wants to disgrace a man, He lets him spend his money on buildings.
How authentic are these Hadeeths especially.. More
How authentic is the Qudsi Hadeeth (sacred narration) in which Allaah the Almighty says: "I was a hidden treasure. When I wanted to be known, I created the creation, so through it (the creation) they knew Me."?.. More
How can we know the authentic Ahaadeeth narrated concerning the signs of the Hour?.. More
hi. Is bread mubarak? I have been told that it is a mubarak food (sorry i dont know what mubarak is in english). Thanks.. More
What is the degree of authenticity of the Hadeeth that includes words of encouragement to recite Chapter Yaa Seen (from the Quran) for our dead, and the Hadeeth which indicates that Chapter Yaa Seen fulfills the purpose for which it is read? When it is read, will the reward reach the dead?.. More
A friend has told me that he has heard from others that the Arsh of Allah (SWT) shakes if someone commits the action of people of Loot. Q. Is there any such narration & what is its authenticity ?.. More
Assalamu'alaykum What is the autheticity of below hadeeth? Who was that man who fought with jinn 'Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ood (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "A man from among the Companions of Muhammad Sallallahu'alayhiwasallam met a man from among the jinn. They wrestled, and the human knocked down the jinn. The human said to him, 'You look small.. More
What is the Isnaad (chain of narrators) of the Hadeeth indicating that if a person dies without knowing his contemporary Imaam, he would die a death of Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance)? Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated this Hadeeth. If this Hadeeth is Saheeh (authentic), then who is our contemporary Imaam? May Allaah reward you... More
I want to ask about the Hadeeth (narration) which mentions the seven types of people at whom Allaah The Almighty will not look on the Day of Resurrection and will dispatch to Hell with those who are the first to enter. Is this Hadeeth Saheeh (authentic)? Who is its narrator?.. More
What is the meaning of the following saying, "The stomach is the home of disease"? Is it a Hadeeth (narration)?
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Is the common supplication: "O, Allaah, I am not asking of You to ward off destiny…" from the Sunnah (tradition)?.. More
Salaam Alaykun Sheikh, Is it true that when a person fornicates or engages in adultry his supplications will be rejected for 40 years consecutively (i.e. from the day he committed this sin)? This belief is often found in India, so is there any authenticity in Shari'ah regarding this opinion? Jazaak ALLAHu Khair... More
Did the Prophet Muhammad say that the first Muslim to pray in Hagia Sophia would go straight to paradise?
Where can i find this? In the Quran, Hadith or ??
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Salam Aleikum
Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith
At the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), there was a young man named Alqamah. He was very diligent in obeying Allah by engaging in prayer and fasting and spending in charity. Then he fell ill and his illness became serious. His wife went to the Prophet and said, "My husband, Alqamah,.. More
Want to know abt the authenticity of a saying. It might be a hadees or not, not sure:
I come to know that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that A girl of 12 years will become a grandmother near hereafter (Qayamat). Its in refference of the increase in sex relations between human beings.
Kindly explain,
Regards,.. More
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