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I would like to learn more on the death of a muslim for example when the person dies were does the soul go because i only know that the person gets questioned in the grave by angels nakir and munkar but what happens during the days in which the dead body is spent for example in the hospital or freezer, where is the soul at that moment?.. More
Is it permissible for a woman to supplicate for her father outside the graveyard? What is the virtue of greeting the dead? Is the soul restored to the dead person so he can return the greeting? Does this increase his good deeds? Is it true that a dead person visits his (former) home every Friday to see his family?.. More
What are the phases that people go through after their death until the Hour comes, when they are called for reckoning and remain standing for fifty- thousand years?.. More
Is the torment in the grave restricted to disbelievers?.. More
What is the poisonous bald-headed male snake? Can it be seen in this worldly life? Is it one of the unseen matters that we should believe in? If its characteristics were mentioned in any Sharee`ah (Islamic legislation) text, please mention them... More
Does the deceased woman know during her life in Barzakh whether her husband in the worldly life will be her husband in the Hereafter; if they are both righteous? .. More
What does Barzakh mean? Will the sinning Muslim experience the life of Barzakh? .. More
Can the deceased woman feel her husband’s grief over her? How should she react?.. More
Can the dead person remember life and everything in it; the markets, streets, public places and so on? If a woman dies as a martyr, does she know whether her husband in life will be her husband in the Hereafter?.. More
What is the torment in the grave?.. More
What are the pleasures of the people of Paradise in the grave life? Do they visit one another?.. More
Is it right that no person will escape the squeeze of the grave, even the righteous believers?.. More
Will the two deceased spouses in this worldly life also be spouses in the Barzakh life? Will they know each other and be with each other?.. More
Do the people who believe Allaah when they are died feel pain it is incinerated or burned away? .. More
What exactly happens after death? Is there a Barzaq where a window is seen through which either breeze from heaven or fire from Hell is felt? And if it is so, then doesn't a person already know that he'll be in Heaven or Hell before the Day of Judgement? So then what is actually judged on that Day? .. More
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