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Many texts bear glad tidings that the Jews would be destroyed at the hands of Muslims in Palestine. Is this day near? What is the sign that this will happen? Will it be at the time of the Mahdi and the descent of 'Eesaa (Jesus)
? .. More
I am a Muslim, a proud Muslim.Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam,gave signs before Doomsday or Judgement Day.I wonder if the climate change which is prevalently experiencing its effect in some countries, Iwonder if climate change is one of the signs. If not, then why Islam was not able to predict it? What is Islam's perspective regarding.. More
What is the ruling on the person who claims to be the expected Mahdi? Is it possible that the Mahdi will emerge from Palestine? Will you please mention the authentic Hadeeths that describe the Mahdi and mention the place where he will emerge?.. More
I read a Hadeeth saying that there will be a fire emerging from the east that is one of the signs of the final Hour. Will you please elaborate on this?.. More
Is it true that Al-Mahdi will appear? If so, when?.. More
Is Al-Mahdi really our Prophet 'Eesa or is he another Prophet?.. More
Is there decisive evidence that Al-Mahdi’s name is Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdullah or Muhammad? Could his name be Abu Al-Qaasim, Mustafa or any other name of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? What is the authenticity of the Hadeeth that states that his name will be like the name of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his father’s.. More
We all see how wretched and weak the Ummah has become, with our enemies attacking and wronging us madly. Are we close to the time of the coming of Al-Mahdi?.. More
Is the frequent sudden death among one of the signs of the Day of Judgement? Is it considered something good?.. More
What are Allaah's Sunnah? How can we relate destruction in Muslim area by earthquake to destruction in non-Muslim place such as USA? .. More
Is it true that one of the minor Signs of the Hour is the destruction of Al-Aqsa mosque? Can you please describe the minor and major Signs in detail?.. More
When will 'Eesaa (Jesus),may Allaah exalt his mention,come back? What are the signs? And is there any other Messenger who will come back? .. More
How should we as Muslims view the earthquake that has happened recently? And is there a Hadith mentioning one of the signs of the end of time there will bethree earthquakes? .. More
Is there a Hadeeth where The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, aid that among the signs of the Hour is the use of musical instruments inside the Masjid? If this Hadeeth exists and is authentic, can we suggest that it refers to the use of cell phones?.. More
I have read some Hadith in which it is advised that as doomsday rears good and bad people will mix then one should make his Imaan safer and leave the people on their way. In another Hadith the Prophet told his companion that during such condition they should go to forest and live there even if them have to live by consuming roots! Has this time.. More
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