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What is the ruling on circumambulating graves?
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My mother goes every summer to morocco and visits graves of so called saints. she offers chicken and money. She doesn't listen when I say it's haram. she even insists that I go with her. So I have reached a compromise with her, that I will go, but I am only going to read soerat al Fatiha. Is this permitted ?.. More
I am an employee in one of the civil governmental institutions. The nature of our work requires from us sometimes to write some reports or invitations, and in these reports we write the expression: Please…, or kindly …, hoping that…, so is this kind of expecting things from someone permissible or not?.. More
My son is repeatedly sick especially at the time of exams; this happens suddenly; some say he has Ayen or Nazar; besides medical treatment I am performing Raqaya Sharaya fore this; but still my son gets this problem; My mother is attributing it to my change in my religious practice sin I started living in Medina Munawwarh some say I have.. More
Assalaam Alaikum, Can you say "Ya Rasul Allah"? Please explain. Please give references for each of these from the Qur'an, Hadith and logic... More
Q1)Is bowing before graves of Islamic Saints permissiable in Islam? Please provide references from Holy Quran & Hadiths.Q2) Is it OK to pray for Dua before a saint's grave. Or Can we ask Saints at their graves to ask Allah to pray for us or ask them to ask Allah (SWT) to forgive us? Reference from Holy Quran & Hadith is preferred.
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I have so many Indian friends in Oman some of my friends on leave to India, visit graves in India called Mazar, offer prayers, asking for help, health, money and so many other things from the dead person. When we tell them not to do this; it is one of the biggest form of Shirk, they simply reply, "You are Wahabi" and do not accept our suggestion. Why.. More
What is the concern about Muslims calling others (e.g.: Anbiya and Auliya) other than Allah for certain things?
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1. What is the concern about Muslims calling others (e.g.: Anbiya and Auliya) other than Allah for certain things?2. Is there groups in Islam like Sunni, Mujahid, Jamaat etc, or is it one?
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There are Muslims visiting graves (Shrines) seeking divine help. They think that the people in the graves act as mediators between them and Allah Taala. They alsothink that the people in the graves will make recommendations to Allah Taala. Surprisingly, some times it appears to be true. I came across two families. They didn'thave children for seven.. More
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