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I work in a firm in which a Hindu has been recently employed. Once, he invited us to attend his sister's wedding and we responded to his invitation. They served dinner but we did not eat anything. However, some people told us that it is not permissible to drink there or even to go to that wedding in the first place.
Given that all other employees.. More
What is the Jehovah’s Witnesses group? Is it permissible to deal with them?.. More
What is the ruling on asking a Christian to help me obtain a job?
Is it permissible for me to ask after him and greet him? .. More
We are from the Israeli Arabs, also known as the ‘Year 48 Palestinians.’ However, having lived with the Zionists for so long we have begun to develop some deviations. What should we do?.. More
Can one stand up as a sign of respect when a non-muslim is to say the opening or closing prayer at an official programme/event? Standing up only and not closing the eyes or responding Amen to their prayers... More
I am living in USA, working in a clinical research company own by Japanese. I also went to japan for my training. Alhamdullilah, i try not to compromise my deen while working there, so that i refrain from taking blood pressure or other clinical procedure involving female research's subject, never go to any company parties, where i know, alcohol will.. More
My husband who is muslim and I will be living with my parents who are catholics. Their house is full of crosses, and virgin mary statues. Can my muslim husband and me live in a house that has statues of Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and crosses hanging from the walls?.. More
My non-Muslim sister, non-Muslim father, and I live in three different countries. It is the habit to send some presents to my sister's and my children for their birthdays. My children don't celebrate their birthdays, but welcome the presents from their grandfather and aunt anyway. I try to send my sister's children a parcel some time before or after.. More
Is it permissible to deal with young men who are Jews or Christians in college for the sake of benefiting from their knowledge in the field of science? .. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim to talk with non-Muslims who do not belong to the People of the Book such as Buddhists, communists and atheists? .. More
Is it permissible to invite a disbeliever for a meal at home?.. More
We have one new staff handsome how we can deal with her specially. Ramadhaan is coming because she share everything with us and she treat Muslim women and see their 'Awrah. Please tell me. .. More
Nowadays we are leaving in multi national culture. Most of the time we live in a building and we have non-Muslim neighbours. How should we deal with them? Is it allowed to have fair and good relations with them as we have with Muslims? That means sitting with them, socializing with them, playing with them and going on picnic with them. Is.. More
What is your stance on accepting European values if you reside in Europe? .. More
Iam a student from Yemen studying in the United States and living with an Amercian family. Its a new program which allows Middle Easten students to come study in America for one year.I would like to know ifI can eattheir meat even though it is not Halal, beef chicken and not ham? .. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices