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Assalamu alaykum!pls what is the language of the jinn?.. More
I know that the devil can only influence man through whisperings, but is it possible for a Jinn to appear to a person in a form that may harm him? I feel that the devil whispers to me and tries to frighten me of the possibility of seeing a Jinn. What should I do?.. More
Why did Allaah The Almighty create evil? Why did He create the devil? Are there clear answers to these questions in the Quran and the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition)?.. More
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on exorcism rituals?.. More
The first question: Do the Jinn have their own religions that we are not acquainted with?
The second question: Do they have prophets from among themselves or do they just follow the religions of mankind?
The third question: Do they have educated individuals? Do they have any extinct or contemporary civilizations?
The fourth question: Why do we.. More
How can I make my devil companion obey me and embrace Islam?.. More
Is Satan an angel or a Jinn?.. More
Is it correct that Jinns can cross the earth in ten minutes? What are their categories?
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Why is possession by Jinn common, particularly among young women, although they are chaste and wear the Hijaab? Why is Jinn-related magic prevalent in my country, to the extent that I feel afraid when I travel to it. It is a cause for worry and I do not know the reason behind it. Please advise.
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When Aadam (Adam, may Allaah exalt his mention,) committed his sin, Allaah The Almighty forgave him and sent him down to the earth, but when Satan disobeyed Allaah The Almighty, He did not forgive him and expelled him from His Mercy.
Why were they treated differently?
How did Satan disobey Allaah The Almighty when his actions were predestined?.. More
My 11-year old daughter has been suffering for a year now, from seeing Jinn in their different shapes. She sees them in the house and anywhere we go. She also sees the Jinn companions of her father, mother, brothers and sisters while she is awake and asleep. Once we recite the Quran, especially Soorah Al-Baqarah to her at home, she does not see.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
Can jinns habitate in children's toys that bear resemblance to a living creature ? or even in a stone?
Jazak Allah khair.. More
Will Jinns go to Hell or Paradise? Do they pray like us and how? Why do they enter the human body?.. More
What are the forms the Jinn can assume?.. More
Is it possible to photograph a jinni? It is said that a young man took a photo of a jinni in a cave but then died. .. More
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