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I search various matters of fiqh and get diverse opinions and answers. Sometimes I am not fully able to understand them, but I do get the main points. When someone asks me about a matter, I say that I am not sure, there are diverging opinions. Or sometimes I say that I don't know. I do this out of the fear that I may say something wrong or misleading.. More
If a muslim who doesn't have much knowledge of Quran and Sunnah gets different answers from two different students of knowledge and he needs to choose one urgently, what should he do? Can he choose the easiest option?
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Assalam o elaikum, I was following the hanafi fiqh until now. But i never like the idea of following a single person from minor issue to major issues (in my case Imam abu hanifa r.a) because i believe every person can make an error no matter how great of an imam he is. I recently started liking your approach more because as a mufti you compare different.. More
Salam,I have a question regarding hurmat musaaharah. I am severely affected from OCD so i got lot of waswasas about this issue. My question is that i am following Hanafi Madhab can i follow your Fatwas regarding hurmat e musaahrah (e.g 318664) or notjQuery111009441319627245637_1543994284918I have fear that if i follow your fatwa do it come under tafliq.. More
salam. pls dont refer to other answers and clear my confusion. i want to have peace of mind. i am originally a hanafi. but since we have access to authentic scholars these days via internet, i submit all my queries to either islamqa or islamweb. i trust both sites, the former for its cautiousness and the latter for adopting flexibility without being.. More
Is the Salafi school considered a valid Islamic school of thought?
Why do those who call themselves Salafis not care about Muslims' affairs, like the case of Palestine? .. More
Is it permissible to have different views in Islam?
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What are the reasons that have led to the emergence of multiple Islamic ideological schools? What is the effect of this on the Muslim individual and community?
What are the reasons behind the occurrence of multiple Quranic commentaries? What is the effect of this on the Muslim individual and community?
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As salaam aleykum Is Ileau us Sunan a reliable book for Hanafi sources, i heard this book is praised by many scholars is this true? Was salaam .. More
Allaah sent a complete message to the humanity. This message, which was the Quran, which was thoroughly explained by the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in a way that left no space for the difference of opinion among the people in any issue. In light of the above, what are the reasons which led to the appearance of different Islamic schools.. More
What are the authentic Hadeeth for performing Salaat according to Hanafi Madhab? What are the answers to the usual questions raised by Salafi on Hanafi method of Salaat? .. More
I saw a lecture where Bilal Phillips said that there were more than 4 schools of thought. I think he said there were 9 or 11 in total, but the others died out. Which were the other schools of thought? Who was their 'founder'? When and how long were they for? Did those scholars have books of opinions like Imaam Maalik, etc.? How did those.. More
I'm a Hanafi. The writers of the six Books of Hadeeth (Bukhaari, Muslim, etc.) more of them was Hanafi. So please tell me about the other schools of Fiqh (in brief). I'm in trouble. .. More
I read the history of evolution of Fiqh in English. I would like to know how the Ahlul-Rai judged according to Shariah...I read that Ahlul-Hadith considered Qur'an and Hadith to be the source of Islamic law. What sources did the Ahlul-Rai considered to be the source of Islamic law? Thanks... More
How does one relate Qur'an and Sunnah with the four great Sheiks namely, Shafii, Hanafi, Maliki, and Hanbaly? Is the role of these great Sheiks to divide Islam into sects? What the does Qur'an Surah 6:159 relate to?
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