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Can you tell me about Hizb al- Tahreer? I heard that they do not believe in torment of grave? is it correct? Is it permissible to add or deduct something from Shariah?.. More
Why do Wahabis always talk about Hell Fire and Punishment? Don't they believe in the Mercy of Allah (SWT)?
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I have been told that it is Fard for me to be part of a Islamic group working for Khilafah due to the fact that the whole of the Sharia cannot be implemented without the ruling system, please help, the particular group that I am talking about is Hizb ul-tahrir, they say that they are the only group that work with Rasoolullah's (salal lahu alyhi wa salam).. More
What is the difference between Sufiyah and Salafiyah?.. More
I 've read a book about the history of Aal Saoud! Is what is in that book true, with pictures and all? Please answer me. Thank you... More
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