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Salaam Aalikum, Sir I have 3 questions. 1 - Sir I living in Muslim country and I write Islam pamphlets and make print out to distribute to Non-Muslims in Market places (Malls, shops etc.). So sir when writing verses of Qur'aan in Arabic I don't find small 'Alif' on keyboard, so can I use big 'Alif' in place of small for Qur'aan? 2 - Can I distribute.. More
Assalamoualaikum Respected Scholars, I am a teacher teaching Islamic Religion and Culture in a state school (My country muslims are a minority). My students comprise both Muslims and non Muslims, majority being Muslims. while teaching stories of prophets to make the class more interesting i need to make use of maps and pictures of archaeological.. More
I live in France and often speak with disbelievers. Some of them have good manners and attributes similar to those of Muslims. Sometimes I have the urge to call them to Islam. Am I permitted to do so, given that my religious knowledge is limited? What should I start with?
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I teach English and learn Sharee'ah; I took part in authorized courses two years ago and took courses in recitation and Tajweed as well. I also study Quran during the summer vacation. I like teaching English. Sometimes, my students ask me whether I am an English teacher or a religion teacher. I reply that they should not distinguish between life and.. More
What is the ruling on a person who repels people away from Islam, either intentionally or unintentionally? Some people may get angry because of their overzealousness and this may lead them to do things that may cause people to detest Islam. While others may stress minute details in the religion that may be regarded by other people as extremism or.. More
I wish to do Da‘wah, though I do not know how to do that. My colleagues do not encourage me, nonetheless, I have a strong yearning to call people to Allaah The Almighty. I am a very bashful person and I do not talk much. Please advise me.
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People working in the field of Da‘wah in our country form groups and visit people in their homes. Is this considered an act of the Sunnah or a religious innovation?
They ask for permission before entering any house; if they find men there, they enter to remind them about Allaah The Almighty, otherwise they do not. Please include evidence in the.. More
Is it permissible to use a small amount of public funds for Da‘wah?
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what is meant by dialogue and importance of dialogues. .. More
Would you please explain what the word Hisbah means in Islam?.. More
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, I have a Coptic woman in my unemployment class, who uses the violent situation in Egypt to spread false information and lies about Islam, saying that what is happening in Egypt is Islam and that Islam is evil etc. I was kind to her, as Rasul Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, also stayed kind to the.. More
There are many riligous organisations in our area who say that islam has spread by the sword, and they force people to pray, they force people to keep beard and many other things. so is it allowed in islam to force some one to do fard or sunnah?
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What is the Sharee'ah ruling on joining a religiously dubious party with the intention of serving Islam?.. More
How do I call non-Muslims to Islam?.. More
how shall a muslim practice daawa in times of calamities meaning in revolutions and disorder.. More
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