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Asalamualykum, Harun Yahya said on 6 Aug 2007 in an interview with Al-jazeera: "there are number of hadith which indicate that it is virtuous not to get married in the End Times...We can also find this [reference of those hadith] in the works of Said Nursi. You will be able to find it on the Internet if you look the term up in the Risale-i Nur Collection.. More
What is the position of the 'Uthmaan Dan Fodio, among the Islamic jurist?.. More
Recently I attended a teleconference with Sheikh Abdullah Al Mutlaq of the committee of senior scholars, Saudi Arabia. Since then because some of the remarks of the Sheikh, many people have cast doubt on him, can somebody post me some comments if they exist, or if this is answered by a scholar of the kaba'ir, on their views of the Sheikh in question?.. More
I am inquiring about the personality of Jamal Edeen Al-Afghani and his disciple Muhammad Abdu. They claimed to be following the Salafi way but I read a book lately that claims that they were free masons (Masonic). Please clarify... More
Please give details of Abu A’la Maududi. Is it correct to read his explanation of Qur'an?.. More
I am aware that there is a well-known scholar by the name of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi and I have noticed that many people are going on to his websites. I want to know if this scholar is of the Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamat and whether we Muslims should go on to his websites?.. More
What is your view on Sheikh $Yusuf al-Qaradawi$$? What school of thought does he belong to?.. More
Who was Bin Baz?
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I want to know more about Shaykh Nasiruddeen al-Albani(r.t.). Some scholars are saying that Al-albani has some weakness in hadeeth verification. Is it true? I want to know the books he authored/checked. The books (English) are not availble here nor on So please give me some addresses from where I can get the books.. More
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