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Does Islam allow getting married in the month of Muharram or Safar?
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What is the significance of the month of Shaban, and can we fast on 15th of Sha’baan? Is standing for night prayers legislated? Kindly give evidence with authentic Hadith.
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Why is there no mention about Hzt Imam Hussain's Sacrifice in your answers about 10th and 11th Muharram?.. More
What is the Islamic rules about celebrate the New Year Hijra' and reciting Du'a (pray) at the end of the year (before Maghrib prayer and reciting Du'a at the New Year (after Maghrib prayer).
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I would like to know the importance of 15 Shaaban, In Pakistan and India it is a practice of Muslims to visit the graves of the relatives. Kindly quote the Hadith or any reference on the above subject... More
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