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I realised later I had forgotten to say "Bismi Allahi Arrahmani Arraheem" before my meals. So after about 30 minutes I say "Bismillah Wal Awwalahu Wal Akhirah". What is the duration allowed to say this? Is it accepted after 30 minutes?
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I understand that Rasulullah (SAW) always had company to enjoy his food or meal while Nabi Ibrahim (SA) would not eat until he found company to eat together with him. What is the ruling if one has no choice but to eat or breakfast in the house without any company. What does the Hadith say about this situation where a person is living alone in the house?.. More
While eating food with a fork and a knife, the suggested practice is to hold the fork with the left hand and pick the food with the fork and eat it. But the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) prohibits eating with the left hand. What is the solution?.. More
Can we eat together with non-Muslims?.. More
What is the Islamic ruling regarding eating at a dining table? Is it Haram or Makrooh or permissible? .. More
I work at a hospital in the UK and sometimes I get invited to educational meetings or social events within the work atmosphere. During these meetings the non-Muslims drinks alcohol and there is no separate place for me to avoid setting with these people when they are drinking. I want to know if I can still attend these meetings which actually give me.. More
What does Islam say about being over weight?.. More
What is the ruling on a Muslim drinking/eating while standing? Is it Makrooh, Haram or what?
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People in India used to recite Qur'an over their food and make Du'a (saying al-Fatiha); Is it permissible in light of Islam? Please answer.
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What does the Prophet Muhammad, may his soul be blessed, say about the use of the left hand for left handed people? Am I, as a left-handed person, supposed to avoid using the left hand to eat or during 'wudu', for example?.. More
Can one eat after having intercourse without tahara?.. More
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