Dear Brother-in-Islam Assalam Alaikum! My question is very subjective so you need to understand the whole situation. My mother came in US about 9 years ago on visit visa and stayed with us since then. She was nearly 56 years old, didn’t have any asset/income and had some chronic diseases like diabetics, arthritics, etc. We (myself and my other siblings).. More
Assalamualaikum Warahmatulla. I belong to a place in india, which was affected by floods and is still reeling under miseries of the aftermath. Relief to the flood victims is pouring in from many generous individuals and groups. During one such incident, packets of milk was being distributed and people had gone crazy and snatching away the packets,.. More
Assalam alaikum When I was younger and before I became practicing, we had a sponsered read that I took part it, the money I collected had to be given in, but I did not attend school that day so the money was left in my hands. I then gave it as sadaqah, but I feel fear that I may be held accountable for my actions. Do I have to return the money back?.. More
Assalamu'aleikum, A person borrowed money from his friend. Then they got into a serious argument after which they started to avoid each other (the borrower betrayed his friend). Now his ex-friend asked for his money back but although the borrower is able to pay, he refuses. Should his ex-friend forgive him (which he doesn't really want to do because.. More
Asalamuallikum Brothers in Islam, My question is, my wife has recently got a Job, and she is working a cook in to the place I work as an Accountant, she is paid monthly. However she is given money for the daily meal and she goes to the market and by the necessary food staff for her to prepare the meal. And for the money she is given, she always has.. More
I use to live in canada for 10 years and i use to receive a goverment allowance for my children. Now i moved to emirates and i still send my income report every year to canada. Is it halal for me to take the allowance for my children since the govement doesnot know im outside?.. More
Assalamualaikum Please answer this at the earliset. We are moving to a new place now and need cardboard boxes( cartons) for packing things. My husband works in a multinational computer company and his office has many empty boxes in a room for disposal/ reuse. My question is an we ask the person in charge of these items and use them for our use... More
I want to know if I get a take home test from high school, can I ask someone for help or use help from a book, etc.? Is that Haraam? Also, I have gotten take home tests before from my economics class and I have used help, do I tell my teacher, or do I just make Tawbah to Allaah and not do it again?.. More
I did my secondary exams last year. During one of my exams the teachers helped us when she was not meant to. This exam accounted for about 30% of the mark for the whole subject. I though this was cheating so I repeated my exams and got a new certificate with the same mark. The problem is that if I apply to the university with the second certificate.. More
Is it permissible for a employee to get personal work done (e.g. getting printouts for family members or for self) at the office especially if it is a huge (public sector) company where all are employees and you are sure that if you ask the supervisor (who is also an employee) he will let you do so. Can the family members accept this? In case it is.. More
There was a major problem in the family when we found out that our brother who is 20 years of age is taking money from us without our consent. My parents are devastated by the fact because either me or my sister are that way and he always had it the best growing up. Questions are rising between us on how to deal with it. Is it something psychological.. More
If a person takes money for the education fee, more than the actual amount being charged by the institution (where the person should attended the classes) from the ones guardian/parents, in an intuition that the extra money would be used in the academic charges (like stationary, pick-n-drop service, tuitions, etc…). Whether such money.. More
Thanks for answering my previous question: 146775, although I didn't mean to ask about the act of taking loans and Ribaa per say, but I learned from your reply which was very useful. To be precise, I will reframe my question: Some Muslims open accounts in European banks with fake names with the intention of stealing that banks money claiming.. More
I live in Canada and I have a righteous friend (Hafidh), who's family I have known for at least 2 years. He asked me a favour: To use my address on the application for his driver's license. He will tell the ministry of transportation that he lives at my address, when in reality, he does not. This is a common practice in the region where.. More
A friend of mine holds public office on a committee responsible for advising the municipal authority (local government) on policy issues concerning economic development and improvement of community facilities. He was elected to this position by the voluntary associations and charitable organizations of our town. The committee’s code of.. More
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