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Salam alaykum. During ramadan, i masturbated using bidet (shatafa) and I do it everyday, however it has come to my attention that water entering the vagina might break ur fast in ramadan from the shatafa and masturbating is haram and breaks your fast. If this is true, should i make up for ALL the ramadans ive had in my had since puberty? Am i supposed.. More
My doctor,urologist tells me to clean the swollen prostate which causes pain more often by ejaculating. I am converted muslim not married. What should I do. Is it haram for me to do so? Many thanks. May Allah bless and protect us.
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When I was 16 years, I was alone then felt sexual arousement then I was playing with my private part, and by mistake, semen came out. Now I am 21 years of age. Will I also observe kafarah?
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I have been married 8 years. Now my age is 32 and my wife is nearly 30 years old. She is sufferring from weekness and inemia for nearly 3 years. I want to have sex with her but she refuses. We can only have sex one time in a Month. And also i cant afford to marry again. Can i do masterbation to satisfy my sex deaire/need? If it is done in battles to.. More
I have a question regarding a narration found in Ibn Hazm's Al-Muhalla.
Qataadah said: “al-Hasan said about the man who masturbates until he comes, he said: ‘They used to do that in the battles’”.
From where did he retrieve this narration and is it authentic?
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Can women master bate during Ramadan at the end of the day after Isha
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I used to masturbate a lot. Now just 2-3 times a week. I can't seem to stop my self completely. There's this random urge I can't fight. I repent each time. What should I do.
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During Azl, (Coitus interruptus) when I'm about to release my sperm, can I use my hand? Will it be considered as masterbation? Or should my wife use her hand to ejaculate me? Which one is right?
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Assalam o Alaikum,I used to masturbate and watch porn but I hate that - I repented so many times from these sins but I am falling it on again and again. I used to get too bad and filthy thoughts about Hazrat Aisha( raziAllahuanhuma). When I see a forbidden thing Somehow satan connected it to Prophet's wife. Due to these thoughts I did bad in my exams.. More
salam. i know the opinion adopted in this site is that masturbation is haram. however, there are scholars who considered this act allowed or at best disliked. what is the proof behind their position?
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In Islam if a man watches a lady's picture and masturbates himself then who will be the sinner the man or the lady?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I found out that my fiancé masturbates and watches bad videos. He would “like” a comment on Facebook about a shaykh speaking about how to get rid of this, and this is how I knew. He also hinted before to me that he does it and tries to stop. I feel devastated for two reasons: he is perfect in every other way. I am also devastated.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently had a wet dream, but I stopped myself from completely ejaculating. After I woke up, I feared that this may be harmful to myself, so I purposely thought of sexual fantasies while lying in bed in a certain position, and I ejaculated (I did not masturbate or anything like that). Am I sinful? I only did this fearing for myself,.. More
My question is the following; there is a hadith of Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, in which one person came and asked him about masturbation and he turned in dislike and and said, "Marrying a slave girl is better than that, and it is better than fornication." My question is: is this hadith authentic? Please answer this question.
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I was disobedient; I used to drink wine and I was negligent of the rights of my Lord. Praise be to Allaah, I have repented and I now fulfill all the pillars and obligations of Islam. My question is: When I used to drink, I used to imagine that I was having sexual intercourse with someone. The strange thing is that I used to ejaculate on the bed as if.. More
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