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Is it permissible for someone to spy on someone else's personal computer to discover their secrets and e-mail messages under the pretext that he wants to advise and warn them against what they are doing?.. More
Is it permissible to curse Satan? Is it permissible to use abusive language when joking with friends? .. More it a sin to make fun of people who commit sins,or take them as a joke and laugh at them? 2.if you grow old does the relationship stay the same with non-mahram,such as you can't make friends with them? 3.can kids under the age of puberty be friends with the opposite gender? .. More
Assalamu alykum,i am a high school student,and i once heard about a hadith stating that which ever name one is called in the worldly life,with that name shall one be called with in the hereafter,and in my school,my friends use to call me by a nickname which all my friends make fun of,and if to say that i should tell them to stop,it will cause social.. More
I have now been married for 11 years and have three children. My wife always used to be an exemplary religious woman when I was with her and I do not know how she acted while I was away. I never felt that she loved me, but she was very good at acting. By chance I discovered her infidelity, and she could not deny it or even defend herself. She is now.. More
I am a young man who lives in the West. All praise is due to Allaah, I am adherent to Islamic teachings. I work in a computer lab which is in the university where I study. There is a girl who works with me in the same lab, and she frequently asks me questions related to the subject while we are sitting at the same PC. Praise is due to Allaah, I do.. More
Assalam alaikoum. My question covers family relationships. I have a sister in law that is neurotically self centered. One time I was telling her "None of you has faith unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself". She responded this is tough because I would want my children to be better than yours. Knowing I am single and she was then.. More
Is it permissible to keep a person under surveillance if he is suspected of being a thief?.. More
i use water so much if i don't use i go crazy why whats the reason is this the effect of black magic. i use water more than what is necessary it is affecting my health, i have been to doctor he told me not to use water unnecessarily .. More
Assalam alaikum,
I am a system administraror in an Islam research and popagation centre. The centre has computer and internet facility and it is used by the ulema working there. The manager wants me to install a software on the computers which will log the activities of the activities and report the websites visited (spyware). My question is whether.. More
Salam aleikum,
I wonder, if we are cheated (for example, somebody says he will fix or produce something for a certain price but later -after payment- it becomes clear that he didn't do it well), are we supposed to try to get our rights (good quality product) through arguing etc. or accept having been cheated? Will we benefit from their cheating us.. More
i recently sent you a question regarding incest between father and daughter. i had forgotten to mention a few more things and i would like to write them down now.
my friend has been very effected by this problem and would really appreciate it if you could assist her it is regarding incest. in a public place she was hugging her father with ppl watchn.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Is it permissible to publicise conversations or correspondence between two individuals by one of the participants without the explicit permission of the other? What if the matter is of major importance to islamic belief etc? Eg. if I were to have an email discussion with another Muslim without informing him that the.. More
is passing wind in public forbidden in islam and if yes where was it mentioned? is there any mention of it in islamic teaching? i heard something about the people of lut?.. More
Assalam alaikum! I am working in a different town far from my home town. I decided to seperate my properties especially my clothes into two keeping some behind for use when I return, while I took some to my station. I want to ask if my action is against the teachings of Rasulullah S.W.A. I once heard that my action is another form of extravagancy as.. More
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