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Is it permissible to delay Ghusl for menstruation while traveling until I reach my country? I travel by land and want to know what I should do in this case... More
I converted to Islam but I could not perform Ghusl, so I only uttered the two testimonies of faith. After the end of menstruation, I made Ghusl but I did not utter the two testimonies of faith again. I drew an analogy between this and a person who had to make Ghusl for prayer but he could not do that and therefore he prayed without Ghusl. When he was.. More
Salaam, I have two questions. 1) If a praying person's eyes look away from the spot where he will prostrate, is his prayer invalidated? 2) How should a man with thick and long hair wash his head during ghusl in such a way that all of the skin under the hair is moistened? Jazaak Allaah Khayran... More
Assalamu alaykum, when you have to do ghusl and before that you go to toilet. is it allowed to do ghusl without making istinja before? Is istinja included in ghusl or do i need a special intention for istinja? Jazakumullahu khayran.
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It is permissible for a man to perform Ghusl from Janaabah without urinating? Can he pray after that Ghusl?.. More
While ghusl if one passes wind or urine by mistake then we should do wudhu again after the ghusl is done but if our body gets partially or completely dry by the time we r doing wudhu after ghusl, then shall we have to repeat our ghusl referring to the fact that our body has to stay wet while the process?.. More
salam aleikom wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatuh.I have question that i did not solve to find an answer for.Ever since i converted and married and i had to make a ghusl and for so i just intended to make ghusl and made the action itself.But lately i read plenty of fatawa stating that before ghusl ,one should form his /her intention like "ghusl from.. More
some people told me not to take bath facing to kaaba. is it true??? please clear me in the light of sunnah... More
My Question is with regard to ghusl
During ghusl do we have to just rinse the mouth or do we have to gargle as well(taking water down to the throat)? is it true that without gargling ghusl is not complete? if gargling is essential than can we do it while rinsing the mouth during beginning wudu(the sunnat way) since normally we do not.. More
Assalamu alaikom wa rahamatullah wa barakatuh,
My situation might sound a bit strange ,but I really need to get an answer because I am worried that my previous prayers are not accepted.I have a question about ghusl:a few days ago my menses ended ,so I made ghusl and made sure not to leave any body part dry including the belly button.I always make.. More
Asalamualaikum..i have question about ghusl...
if once after ghusl obligatory bath..i found out something is preventing the water from reaching my hand skins...and i dont know whether it is there before i start my ghusl or after i made my ghusl..did i have to repat my entire ghusl or i only have to wash the part that the water does not reach the skin.. More
I took a complete ghusl for performing my prayers. But before starting the salah something started to bother me. I got confused whether the water has reached the roots of my beard. Since I took a full ghusl I continued with the prayer. As I am not sure whether the water has reached my beard or not do I need to perform my Salah Again?.. More
Dear Brother, Could you please clarify me the following. When I perform Ghusl, my nails were very long. So after I perform ghusl I feel that water might not touch inbetween the nails and my ghusl might not be valid. So after drying my whole body after ghusl, I trimmed the nails and touched the water in this part of the hand. Will my ghusl be valid or.. More
assalam wa allykum i heard that a woman should remove her earings when doing ghusl so that the water should also reach the holes (earings) of the ears, for validity of ghusl ,is this correct ?.. More
As salam alai kum, Whenever i do ghusal i say in my language that "ya allah i face towards kaba please accept this ritual bath in the name of allah and to offer prayers and be clean " as i dont know the pryers to read in arabic. Please advice as my intention are clear to offer ghusal bath jazakallah.. More
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