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Assalmualicum, I got my menses at least 8 days prior to my regular schedule. 2-3 days before the period, I saw some red stuff with the toilet paper while wiping off after using the bathroom but nothing on my clothes. I thought this must not be the period since my period is pretty regular. I also continued praying and also had relationship with my husband,.. More
Respected Sheikh Assalam oalaikum Few days back i asked you a question regarding menses during umrah,u directed me to another question which i was unable to understand my actual question is that my wife did not know when her menses started either during tawaaf or saayi. she noticed it only when she reached one of my relatives house in Holy Makkah. What.. More
i am breastfeding my 8 month son so was having no periods at all,last month i fitted coil and now i am facing irregular blood said that its not mensis but spotting might remains 4 two more months.its just a spot a day and then no spot next day then again spots appears next day,should i offer namaz,please help,as am very confused its.. More
My wife did not menstruate for three months. The pregnancy test she underwent revealed that she was not pregnant. About two weeks ago, a drop of brownish fluid was discharged and we expected menstruation thereafter. However, she neither menstruated nor discharged other drops or anything else. We waited for four days and then she made Ghusl and I had.. More
I suffer from having a long menstrual period. Before the menstrual period, a dark brownish discharge comes out continuously for two days. Then another brownish discharge comes out for two days after the menstrual period. The total of discharge is eleven days: a discharge for two days before menstruation, the natural menstrual period lasts for seven.. More
A long time ago, my menstrual period ceased to be as regular as it used to be. Sometimes, it remains for five days, as it was before, and at other times it continues for more than seven days. Usually the blood ceases on the last day but a dirty-water-like fluid (somewhat brownish) is discharged. If I have this discharge after the cessation of the menstrual.. More
My menstrual bleeding used to last for seven days and after I underwent appendix surgery it became eight days. However, it started to be delayed and last for 9 or 10 days, given that the color of the blood becomes different during the last days. What should I do regarding prayer? Should I consider my menstrual bleeding eight days and perform Ghusl ?.. More
Is it allowable for menstruating women to enter Al-Masjid Al-Haraam without reaching the nave (area surrounding the Ka‘bah), the Ka‘bah or the area of circumambulation? For example, to enter through the door of King Fahd, or stand in Mas‘a, i.e. the area where pilgrims perform Sa‘y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah for supplication and to wait for.. More
A/slm, my menses is usually 3 full days, on the 4th day it stop completely, may b on the 5th or 6th day i got sme blood spotting. but since nearly 3 years now i noticed that i have it even after 12-14 days as small blood spotting. its not really like blood but appears as a dark spot in my panty liner. so due to that i only perform my swalat after the.. More
in islam, why is it haram for a strange guy to see a girl's period blood?
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Assalam Alaikum Can a woman during her pregnancy menses sit or sleep on the same bed which she uses before or she has to use different bed till she becomes pure.
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Assalamualaikum.On my way to Makkah in the state of ihraam, i noticed very thin premenstrual discharge. Since there were 8 more days for my actual period cycle, I took bath in makkah and continued my umrah. However i felt discharge again during saey (i am sure there was no discharge during tawaaf,Allah knows best) but i continued and finished.. More
assalamu alaikum, may allah reward u all with the greatest blessing to see him. i have three questions. first is that can a woman in menses memorize and revise and read quran? since there are two opinions i am confused and i feel myself impure during the time of, please help me in this regard second question is that a woman who does not.. More
Salam alaikum, Can a menstruating women also make wudoo in the morning to unloosen the knot Shaitan makes while sleeping?
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assalmualaikum I just wanted to know that most women get their peroids at least 15 days apart and should stop praying during their periods however somtimes mine are 13, 14 days apart does that mean I should still pray salah the 1 or 2 days before the 15th day and stop praying ater the 15th day because the first two days are not considered as my periods?.. More
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