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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I am from Sri Lanka. I heard a speech regarding the prayer. The speaker mentioned that if a person neglects the prayer, he is worse than a dog. Moreover, he said that if that person would be suffering and dying and would need some water to be cured, it would be preferable not to give water to him as.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding the difference between neglecting and forgetting the prayer. If there are 30 minutes left for 'Asrand I wait with the intention of praying in about 15 minutes, and then, while I am eating, I forget about 'Asrand the sun goes down. Does this fall under neglect or forgetting, because I forgot at the end?.. More
assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, I am a single mother and I work 9hrs a day in the medical field where I cannot take a break to offer salah. This means I will miss Dhuhr and Asr prayers. Does that mean that when I make them up once I get home that Fajr, Maghrib, and Isha are then invalid, or does that mean that dhuhr and Asr are invalid?
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I am a young man who works as a nurse. On Thursdays my work starts at 8:00 PM and lasts until 10:00 AM. Afterwards, I go to sleep and miss the Jumu‘ah (Friday) prayer which is at 12:50 PM. Taking into consideration that all my efforts to wake up were in vain, am I excused by the Sharee'ah for not attending it?
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I listened to an Islamic recording concerning one who does not pray. It is mentioned that such a person is a disbeliever, cursed and disobedient. Is there a specific ruling for each case? When is his heart sealed and stamped? May Allaah Almighty reward you?
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Shaykh, is this story true: ''There is a debate between Imams Shafi’i and Ahmad which Ibn al-Subki documented in Tabaqat al-Shafiyyah al-Kubra 2/61. Imam Ahmad debated Imam Shafi’i on the point of one who abandons the prayer for no reason. The account is as follows: Shafi’i said to Imam Ahmad, “Do you say that he disbelieves?” Imam Ahmad replied,.. More
Al salam alaikum, I was staying up late one night and out of laziness and sleepiness, I did not pray Fajr because I needed to make ghusl and I was very tired, so I slept. There were also instances where I made tayammum instead of ghusl out of laziness. I have repented alhamdulilah but the matter is complicated because I was engaged at the time and I.. More
Assalaamu'alaykum, I asked a question here a few days ago regarding the prayer and was referred to other fatwas on the same topic. While they were enlightening unfortunately they didn't answer my specific question which was: When speaking of the punishment of 'delaying' the prayer, is delaying considered praying outside of the fixed prayer time (i.e... More
Salam, Whenever my period is nearby,I become very weak in my salaat.What I mean by that is that I would delay one of my prayers,which it is mostly Isha by sleeping.I have been seeing a pattern for this for about a year.I tried to figure out on ways to help myself to pray Isha on time.For examples,my family would try to wake me up whenever they see me.. More
AsSalaamu Alykum wa Rahmatula wb. I am a single mother of three children. My daughter is the eldest and is 14 years old. Her father took me to court on false accusations and our daughter disgusted with him despite my talking to her decided she did not want to see him anymore. I found out she was abused mentally by her step mom and pushed up against.. More
My eldest son (in his first year in college) does not pray. I have repeatedly advised him but all my attempts have been in vain. What should I do?
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My father orders me to pray. However, whenever I decide to pray, my father watches me and therefore I abandon the prayer for fear of showing off. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling?
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I am about to get married and I have heard that it is permissible for the bride to abstain from performing prayers and ritual Ghusl (i.e. bathing of the entire body) for three days so as to keep her adornment unchanged after the wedding ceremony. Is this true or not? What should a bride do during this period, since I wish to retain the Satisfaction.. More
We live in An-Nabq 48. My father passed away in 1981 and he did not observe prayer. He did not reject the obligation of prayer but he abandoned it out of ignorance. We did not have mosques or callers to Allaah The Almighty in our neighborhood and only a few people observed prayer at that time. My father used to observe fast and offer charity. Is it.. More
A pregnant woman of five months suffers pains in her back when she prays standing. Therefore, she totally abandoned the prayer as she is not convinced of the possibility of performing it while sitting down. What is the Sharee'ah ruling? Thanks.
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