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I perform the voluntary prayers based on the Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, which reads: "May Allaah shower with mercy whoever performs four Rak‘ahs before 'Asr (late afternoon) Prayer" and the saying of the Prophet
: "Between every two Athaans there is a prayer." The third time, he said: "For.. More
As salamu alaykum,
In the book Fiqh us Sunnah it states as one of the deeds that benefit the deseased:
Prayer (salah). This is based on a report by Ad-Darqutni who said that "a man asked, 'O Allah's Messenger! I had parents whom I served while they lived. How can I be good to them after their death? ' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Verily,.. More
Assalamualaikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
A couple got married & after nikaah the 2 rakaat sunnat prayer are to be offered. My query is that should the husband lead the prayer as Imam or both the partners should offer the prayers separately. Please clarify & better if any supporting hadith is referred.
Thanks & Regards
May allah bless.. More
Aasalamualikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuhu. I understand that we can not offer nafl Salah between Fajr & Ishraq and between Asr & Magrib. My question therefore is (1) Whether I say it in masjid or home, is it permissible to offer 2 or more rakat nafl Salah before I say my 2 rakat sunnat & 2 rakat fard in Fajr and 4 rakat sunnat & 4.. More
In Ihya Uloom Id-Din of Imaam Ghazzali, may Allaahhave mercy on him, he says that there are some optional prayers which can be performed on everyday of the week and nights. Is that really authentic or weak because he quotes Hadeeth related to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. .. More
Sir in ordinary days and Ramadhaan days how many times we will get more benefit 1 is to 10 or 1 is to 70. See in India the people use to says if we pray one Raka's Salat then we will get 70 times more but in Arab countries use to says only 10 times more which one is true. As well if we pray in Madeenah how many Darja we will get more and in.. More
I heard that a Hadith says that "those who pray Fajr in the mosque then stay in there worshiping Allah till sunrise and then pray 2 Rak’ah will get the reward of performing Umrah and Hajj". As a female who cannot go to the mosque would I receive the same reward if I prayed at home then worshipped Allah until sunrise I prayed 2 Rak’ah?.. More
There are some forbidden and Makrooh times for prayers. Are these restrictions valid for the Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah) also? Can I pray Nafil/Sunnah prayer after Asr in the Masjid Al-Haram?
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What are the differences among the Salat al-Sunnah, Salat al-Tatawwu and Salat al-Nafil?.. More
What must I do if I have forgotten to pray Shaf' and Witr?
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Are superogatory prayers made loudly or softly?.. More
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