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Most of the time I recite the quran I can't focus on it. sometimes I change the kasra,dhamma or fatha and sometimes I change the word. The word is mu'minun I recite it mu'minin.How to get rid of this problem.Sometimes I'm seeing the word is mu'minun but I'm pronouncing it mu'minin.I practice a surah many times sometimes I recite correctly but next time.. More
I don’t know tajweed, so when I read the Quran, I listen to a recording of someone reciting it in arabic on my phone, and I contemplate the verses. Do I get rewarded for this, and do I have to do sujood when I listen to a verse of prostration with this method?
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Salamoualaikoum, I would like to know whether it's better to learn and recite Quran in its original language, in Arabic, or whether it's also aloowed to learn and recite Quran in a transliteration, the language of your homecountry? Which is better to learn for reciting a Surah or Ayat after prayer?
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I want to learn tajweed but there are many rules involved in it. Because I am just starting, is it permissible for me to read the Quran in arabic with one rule applied at first until I feel comfortable with it, and then move on to other rules? Or should I only read it once I learn full tajweed so as not to disrespect it? If I should follow the second.. More
Assalam alikum, I have question regarding teaching quran with tajweed.people usually charge money for teaching. I want evidence from Quran and hadees whether we can charge fee or not. Secondly can we use that money for paying zakat and doing qurbani if other wise I am not able to pay. I need answer as soon as possible.
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Salaam,I was wondering if I have been reciting Surah Fatiha wrong in my prayers. When I get to the fourth verse and say “Iyya” I am not sure if I’m pronouncing it nasally and accidentally adding an extra letter. I don’t know if I did it on purpose or not either actually because I remember doing it and then thinking maybe it was wrong but I still.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. What is the ruling on the Quran stand as in the following image ( Is it considered a bid'ah? When would it be considered a bid'ah? Would it be considered a bid'ah if it is used when not needed? Jazak Allahu khairan.
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Assalamu alaikum sheikh, sometimes it sounds like the imam is saying iyaaka, without the shaddah or very weak shaddah that i cant distinguish it from iyaaka or iyyaaka, but i dont know if this is wiswas, because I hear him pronounce it properly at other times as well, with the shaddah, but i just carry on behind him as this doubt could be from shaytan,.. More
I'm having trouble with salah and waswasa in terms of recitation. I know we have to move our lips when reciting but I can't seem to pray silently in fear of not pronouncing correctly or altering the meaning. How can I overcome this, it's making it difficult to pray in congregation.
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If memorising an ayat and you are repeating it again and again, do you have to keep reciting authobillahi minnashaytan irrajeem… bismillaahirahmaan…. each time you start the ayat?
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I like to read quran, translator and tafsir from mobile. I do not have more interest to read those from hardcopy books or paper quran. Is any problem if i read quran, tafsir continuously instead of read original quran? Is it any problem for my "Iman" for no Have interest on Hard copy quran? Give me a suggestion what i should do?
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I tend to listen to nature sounds when i'm reading Quran like rain sounds, river sounds ... Is that okay ?
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what to do if by mistake i miss a page while reading the Quran
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Asalam u aliekum warahmattulahi wabarakathu. Is it necessary for a person to follow the words of Quran with his / her finger (if yes, which one?) while reading it ? And also how to beautify the recitation of Quran ? I had try to copy many Reciters (Qaris) but when i opens Mushaf next day or after some time i forget the tune of that particular reciter... More
Is it allowed to recite the Quran in a state of major impurity (Janaabah ) without touching the Quran i.e . reading it from a moblie phone or from memory?
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