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While moving ahead during salaah to fill a recently left space in front, is it right that the right leg should be taken first and that one should not move like he is walking normally but the left leg should be landed beside the right and not ahead even when one is yet to reach the empty space? Besides, what should the maximum distance be between two.. More
Assalamu Alaykom wa RahmatuLLAH, while praying in the mosque recently, the sisters began salat in one long row, then some other sisters came forming another row behind us. After that other sisters came and started making a row in front of us. This was distracting not only for me but for other sisters in my row. When the taraweh was to begin a few sisters.. More
assalamu alaikum, my question is, when two people is making a jamaat, only two people, so should they stand together in one line or should one who is leading the prayer should be a step ahead. plzzz let me know because i hav seen many time tht whn two people making jamaat the one who is leading is a step ahead. thnank you .. More
My mother went for Hajj and during Tawaaf the Athaan occurred. Everyone had to read Namaaz where they were standing, in front of her and behind her were 2 men. Is her Salaat valid, as she has read that a woman cannot read Salaat behind any man acting as Imaam? Please clarify. If it is not valid then what is the compensation for this? .. More
When praying on a prayer rug (carpet), is it best to stand with both feet fully placed on the prayer rug, or is it acceptable to pray with the front of the feet on the rug and the back of the feet off the rug? When I pray in Jama'at, I notice that the others in the line are not fully on the rug but half on and half off. I prefer to stand fully on.. More
Please I need clarification on this issue thus: the row of worshippers beside the Imaam, is this the first or the last row, bearing un mind that there are about four rows behind the Imaam, but due to lack of space, the worshippers decide to stand beside the Imaam, should this be accepted and which is it, the first or the last row? .. More
At what time do we stand for Namaz (prayer) during Akamat (Iqaamah)?.. More
When standing in lines in the mosque during prayer, is it the front of toes that should be in the same line or the back of the heels?.. More
Salat is the only ritual left with the Muslim Ummah which they offer in a state of complete discipline. But lately I have seen a trend especially in those of the Arab origin that when they stand for Salat they keep their feet very wide apart to the extent that there is a very wide gap between those offering Salat. At the time of Sajdah they.. More
What is the verdict on praying Jamaa' and some rows divided by pillars?.. More
I've read that its very rewarding to pray in the first row of congregational prayers, but sometimes I give my place to an elderly person who has a white beard. Should I do this or should I stand in the first row?.. More
I would like to ask you about a ten-year old girl accompanied by her father to the mosque to pray "Salat al-Maghrib" she prays with us in the first range. The Imam saw her and said nothing. I want to ask you whether our prayer was correct or not... More
Is it ok if my father is the (Imam) and I pray behind him and we are the only two praying?
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Our Masjid has three floors. The Imam gives Friday Khutba in the basement. The second floor has an extention in which some people (may pray) a few meters in front of the Imam in the basement. Is it permissible to do so?
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On entering the mosque while the Iqama has been made you see small children between the rows, can we remove them so we can stand in their place?
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