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I have noticed that the Imaam will announce for the Janaazah prayer, before the initial Takbeer, that: "Prayer for those present over a deceased Muslim," or he would say: "The Janaazah of a man," or "The Janaazah of a woman," depending on the gender of the deceased. My question is: Is it obligatory for the Imaam to say anything like this before the.. More
A woman died while giving birth and the baby died as well. How is the funeral prayer performed on both? Should it be with one intention for both or should each receive a separate funeral prayer? Is it permissible to bury them together in the same grave or should each be buried in an independent grave? Does the sex of the baby affect the ruling?.. More
Why is there neither Rukoo' nor Sujood in the funeral prayer on the deceased?.. More
Dear Shaykh, there is no doubt that Abu Taalib died while he was non-Muslim. Allaah The Almighty ordered the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, not to ask Allaah to forgive non-Muslims when he was about to ask Him to forgive his uncle. It is a well-known incident that took place in Makkah. However, when the chief of the hypocrites died and.. More
An ignoramus told me that a hadith says that if you never get married, your funeral is unacceptable. Does hadith exist in any collection? If so, please give the reference and explanation of it. .. More
I led the funeral prayer. After I recited the supplications in favor of the deceased I forgot to say the fourth Takbeerah and then I said the Tasleem, so what is the ruling pertaining to me as well as the followers?
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Is there an authentically reported Hadeeth indicating that if more than forty individuals offered the funeral prayer on the deceased, he will be admitted into Paradise? .. More
Why do we not offer the funeral prayer in the mosque?.. More
Is it permissible for women to offer the funeral prayer in the sacred mosques whether in Mekkah or in Al-Medeenah?.. More
What are the supplications to be said when burying the deceased?
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What is the ruling of the case of an Imaam who made five Takbeerahs in the funeral prayer instead of four?.. More
An individual`s leg was cut off and then a man said that it has the same rulings of the deceased (i.e. the washing, offering the funeral prayer and to be buried in the grave). When this individual dies, is it recommended to bury it with him? Please reply quickly as we are hesitating.
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Is there any proof from the authentic ahadith from the books of hadith supporting: 1) Imam standing by the chest (swadr) of the mayyit in janazah salaah and not (wast).
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Salam, According to Hanafi Madhab, it is makrooh to recite Surah Fathihah in janazah prayer. They quote the below hadith. Sa’eed bin Abi Sa’eed al-Maqbari narrates from his father that he asked Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu Anhu), “How do you offer salaat over the deceased?” Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu Anhu) replied, “By Allah! I shall inform.. More
Salaam Alaikum Shaikh, I have 3 questions, Is it permissible to call righteous people who have passed away as Marhoom? And my second question is, when praying funeral for woman should one make dua saying "And give her spouse better than of this world"? And Shaikh, If one sneezes in Salah (prayer), can he say "Alhamdulillah"? Jazaak ALLAHU Khair... More
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