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As Salaamu AlaikumQuestion about the Zakat .My uncle give zakaat money to my father.My father spent money in home for foods etc.. But I capable for paying zakaat. And I'm unmarried and live with family.Can I eat those Food which are bought by my father from zakaat money ?
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What is the ruling on the withholder of Zakaah who is financially capable and has had the due Nisaab of Zakaah for many years? If he dies, what should his heirs do?
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A mother left some money with her daughter while she was ill and never informed anyone about it. After a while, the daughter paid the zakat on her mother's money without telling her. With the mother now dead, was the daughter's decision correct or should she repay this money to the heirs? What is your advice in this regard in order to relieve this daughter.. More
My mother has been the primary bread winner for our family since our early childhood. Seven years ago, she rented a shop to sell clothes in. She started the business with 700 dinars and was ignorant of the obligation of zakat at that time. Whenever the capital reached one or two-thousand dinars, she used to buy extra goods for the shop, usually before.. More
One day I was in the market where I met an elderly man who asked me for some money, but I refused to give him since the money belonged to my mother. I thought that she would suspect something about the missing amount. Was I right in doing so?.. More
Why is prayer always mentioned along with zakat in the Qur`an?.. More
What do you say of the opinion which is held by a group that Zakaah is due on wealth one time only, meaning that if Zakaah is paid on gold or on a sum of money in one year and that gold or money remained, then no Zakaah is due on them for the following years because its Zakaah has already been paid?
We hope that you would answer this question in light.. More
What is the ruling on someone who died and did not use to give Zakaah, but he repented before his death and paid Zakaah for the last year in his life? Did he have to make up for all the missed years, or he did not have to because he repented and came back to the right path? Should his children pay on his behalf? .. More
My grandfather passed away and left behind an amount of money on which he apparently did not give Zakaah. We do not know the time since when he did not pay Zakaah. How many years should we pay Zakaah for? Moreover, should we calculate Zakaah for the first year and take it out from the money and then calculate Zakaah for the following year on the remaining.. More
Dear scholar, My husband dont pay zakath.Even though i talled him he does not care.Further i askked him to pay Eid sacrifice and reward of that but he did not pay that. What is my concern is will i be also punished for not to pay the Zakath but my husband is only controling the money matters even though i have my own property[my parent gave ]? Please.. More
Assalamulaikum, Dear Sir, one of my friend has very shame full misconceptoon about paying zakat.his question is about references of 2.5% percentage on income and other assets from quran and hadith.(that 2.5% zakat is specifically obligatory) and second question about zakat on the land(as an asset) which is not uder one has to pay zakat on that... More
Assalamualikum, Dear brother, I have a question, Can husband and wife pay Zakat separately? For example, husband pay Zakat for money which is earn by both (wife and husband) where the wife pay zakat for the money she earn alone and keep it without the knowledge of her husband . The wife keeps the money she earn by herself with secret and not to let.. More
assalamoalykum, my sister works in a investment bank abroad. she gave her zakat to us family to distribute her zakat money amongst needy ones back home. Is it halal for us to distribute zakat money of the person who works in a bank and being my sister? jazakAllaah. .. More
Assalamu Olaikum. I am from Bangladesh. I have following questions : 1. This year me, my wife & 8 years old daughter have planned to perform Hajj,Inshallah. For this purpose from my property worth about 10,00,000.00 I have to spend near about 7,00,000.00 taka (to give Hajj Agency). Remaining money is gold & inerest gained from Bank. How much.. More
Is it a sin to save money in islam for the education and the marriage of ur child ,to buy a house and for the retirement? After giving all the zakaat and sadqa due on a person in a year... More
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