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I would like to ask you a question concerning the seven heavens.Firstly, are the seven heavens like universes that are one above the other? Or even like dimensions? Furthermore, the Quran states (I can't remember the exact quotation or verse) but something like: "We have adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets." So what exactly exists.. More
Is it true that Sheik Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) gave a Fatwa that the earth is flat? Can I have the text of the Fatwa?.. More
I'm Rachel, a Christian from the UK. A Muslim (he told me about you) told me about Tafseer (exegesis) to understand the points below or to ask an Imam to explain them to me:
1) According to the Qur'an (Surah 7:120-125) Pharaoh used crucifixion in dealing with the sorcerers – a practice which historical evidence gives no precedent to before.. More
What is the explanation to the Ayah where Allah states when salt water and sweet water go through each other and do not mix... More
I have come across a website which says that there are grammatical errors in Quran. I would highly appreciate it if you can give the answer to this allegation... More
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