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A person intends to perform 'Umrah during Ramadan. And because of traveling a long distance to Makkah, he is planning to use the relaxation of postponing the fasting during travel. My question is, is it correct to postpone an obligation for doing a Mustahib act (Umrah in Ramadan)?.. More
I commute everyday more than 100 miles to go to my university. In Ramadan can I break my fast as a result of travelling?
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I am traveling on the first day of Ramadan to a city 450 km far from where I live. I will stay there for 4 days, then I will come back. My question is: Can I break fasting during those 5 days or just while traveling?.. More
I am an engineer traveling to Germany for training for two weeks in Ramadan. Must I fast there? If so, how?.. More
At which time should the passenger end his fast?
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