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Last year I made up for all the fasting days I missed but I m not satisfied with the way I fasted. Now I want to refast them but I do not have the ability, and 1 year has passed, what else can Ido rather than fasting in order to make up for fasting days?
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Tell me what a Muslim must do if he/she finds it hard to make up days missed of last Ramadan (with valid reason). Can money be paid in charity? Please advise.
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I am a tuberculosis patient, and a doctor advised me don’t fast during the ramadan. This is because of the medcine, which I must take at certain times of the day. Can this or can I fast the days later or must I give money in the place for the missed days. The medcine must take a year long (until October 2003). Also I have still 4 days of the previous.. More
Last year I made up all non fasted days but I m not satisafied with the way I did; now I want to fast them again but I do not have the ability, and now 1 year has passed :the last Ramadan , could I do another thing rather than fasting in order to make up regain the non fasted days?.. More
What is the ruling concerning a person who hasn't fasted one whole month of Ramadan many years ago due to some legitimate reasons and wants to make up for the lost month?
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When I was 18 years old, I did not fast in Ramadan and no one told me that I must fast in Ramadan. Shall I fast it now? Tell me what I can do?
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A man and his wife were fasting one day. The man was fasting Nafelah (not Ramadan) and the wife was making up for some days that she break fast in Ramadan. During this day, they decided to break fast to have intercourse thinking that it is lawful and that they only have to make up for this day. Please advise about Islam's ruling in the above issue.
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My wife vomited during Ramadhan. She thought that her fasting is invalid for that day and she has to repeat it, she drank milk after that. She does not know that this is a violation of the fast. Now should she repeat the day fast or repeat with Kafara?.. More
I am 5 months pregnant and insha Allah I will give birth in Ramadan. Do I have to make up the days which I can't fast due to pregnancy, or can I feed the poor people instead? Also, I still have 6 days to make up from last Ramadan, and I don't know if I will be able to fast them before the coming Ramadan.
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I missed many days of Ramadhan year, because of sickness and childbirth, and I couldn't make up my missing days until now and the coming Ramadhan is almost here I am planning to make up my missing days of Ramadhan after this Ramadhan is finished. What's the ruling of Islamon that? By the way I can't make up my missing days of Ramadhan now because.. More
It's about Ramadan, I have broken the fast for 3 days and I want to ask God to forgive me, knowing that the Prophet said that if you fast a whole year it won't match one day in Ramadan. What can I do then? How can I ask God for forgiveness?
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Assalamu alaykum Thank you for the answer, it really helps, alhamdulillah. Another part of that question, what is the ruling if he missed fasts in the past two Ramadans, and the fasts were missed INTENTIONALLY? Is there an expiation? Do the same rules apply about it being occasionally or consecutively? Please reply ASAP, insha'Allah.
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Can we change another dress including under garments after taking ablution?
Can we substitute the voluntary fast like Muharram (Sunnah) for missed fasts during the time of month of Ramadan?
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If one has to make up for missed fasts from Ramadan (around 20 or so days), do they have to make it up consecutively or can they fast Mondays and Thursdays only, until they make up the days?
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A woman of 65 years asked about substituting days she didn't fast in Ramadan from many years ago, but she always fasted six days in Shawwal but not making up the missed days in Ramadan. She also fasted Mondays and Thursdays usually; she is trying now to substitute those days, which are many months. Can those days she fasted, without intending to substitute.. More
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