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1) Is there any Riba between Muslim and non-Muslim in land of war as some scholars saying there is no Riba between Muslim and non-Muslim in land of war according to Hadith? 2) Does Australia fall under the criteria of Darul Harb (land of war)? 3) If it does, is that permissible for a Muslim to borrow money from interest based conventional bank to buy.. More
I live in Pakistan and Islamic banking does not exist here. All investments are doubtful. We have a scheme which is called the Defense Saving Certificate Scheme. In this Scheme, a person buys certificates for a period of five or ten years and then the profit is four times more.
For example if one buys shares of 5 lack rupees, after ten years he can.. More
Are banks loans really prohibited by the Quran?
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I have deposited some money in one of Syria's banks and as I heard that the bank is lending money to people as a business wise. The bank is paying its customers some profit by using the customers' money. I asked some people; who told me that the profit is (Haram) because it is (Riba). Please give me the right answer because I do not want any (Riba).. More
My youngest sister does not have a house and is also not financially well off. She is living in a rented apartment and at the same time finds it difficult to pay the rent. A friend of my brother in law has given them his apartment on rent. Since they cannot afford it, they pay the rent after several months. Since it is the obligation of my brother in.. More
I gave 5000 to a friend of mine to invest in his shop and he promised to give me 1000 for the next six months and after the sixth month he would be returning my deposited 5000 back. Is this deal Haram or Halal? His shop deals with cell phones. Please tell me in detail.
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Is charging late fees considered Riba?
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