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I have a question regarding business and banking according to Shariah.
- Since it's not permissible in Islam to deal with interest, what is the other way for a bank to make a profit?
- Is it permissible in Islam, to sell something for a higher price than what you have paid for it, for example, having a store and selling items/products for.. More
Are deposit in Islamic banks accepted or prohibited in Islam?.. More
DoIslamic banks really abide by Islam, or is 'Islamic banking' just ascheme to circumvent the Shariah? Is it Halal to work for such banks?.. More
Is it Halal to put my money in Faisal Egyptian Islamic Bank? .. More
I am seeking a good and Halal internship for my MBA Finance Program outside of usury companies, I have heard about Qatari Islamic Banks whose transactions respect the prescriptions of Shariah. In this regard, I would like to know if any of scholars committed in your website can make me Tazkiyah for one the Qatari Islamic Bank. If you can do that.. More
I am an Msc student. My question is: How do Islamic banks assess risk when financing a project?.. More
I would like to know about the loans from banks, Islamic bank says it is not interest but thier banking system is similar to other banks what is your opinion regarding this query? .. More
Can Islamic banks charge low interest rates on loan to fellow Muslims? .. More
I would like to know what Islam says about depositing money in an Islamic bank. Is it considered as "Riba"?.. More
I'd like to ask about interests of Islamic banks whether its Halal?.. More
Could you tell please if there are banks in the United States (New Jersey state) that give loans without interest (i.e., agree with Islam) to buy a house?.. More
My question is regarding the Islamic bank. How do the employees in an Islamic bank get their monthly salary and from where? How does an Islamic bank function? If you have some book or site regarding this information in detail, please forward it to me... More
Is the Islamic rulings about the profit taken by the Islamic Banking System, if we take loan to buy something, the same as the interest taken by other banks? As per the Islamic Banking System, it is said that they are buying something and selling it to the person taking the loan with a specific profit. Please explain. May Allah Almighty reward you for.. More
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