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452 fatwas

  • Permissibility of working the second or third shifts

    Are there any prohibitions against working late for second (4pm-11pm) or third (11pm-6am) work? .. More

  • Working with an apostate

    I got my last answer, my next question is: Can I work with ex-Muslim (before he is Muslim now is Christian) any problem?.. More

  • Seeking employment as a correctional officer (prison guard) in U.S

    My question is, whether or not a Muslim is allowed to take on a job working in a state/city run correction facility. There is a test coming in June to become a correction officer to work in New York city jails. I have applied to take this test. I work now in a union job doing construction work-where many minorities like myself face getting little.. More

  • Working in a credit bureau as a computer programmer

    My question is related with Haraam or Halaal Job, I am working in one credit bureau as Computer Programmer, function of this bureau is supporting in consumer banking sector. For Example, if any Pakistani national or non-national go to the bank for credit personal loan, car loan, credit card, etc. banks login our server and dump that applicant.. More

  • Dispensing narcotics

    I was wondering what is the Fatwa with regard to the duties of a pharmacy technician or even a pharmacist having to deal with preparing and dispensing (Naracs) or narcotic drugs to patient. Like Morphine, codeine, oxycodine, and the like. Is it Haraam in Islam according to Quran and Sunnah to work as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician?.. More

  • Working for a company that provides services to banks

    I have an opportunity to work in a company that provides the following services: consulting, infrastructure, system integration, outsourcing and service technology to the following sectors: public sector, communication, transportation, commercial, media and financial services such as banks. Since this company offers its services to banks as.. More

  • Working for the UN in a non-Muslim country

    I want to ask about the religious approval of working in a European country at the (refugee camps) as an International Volunteer from the UN, doing translations and helping refugees with their problems, knowing that salary I get is from the United Nations. .. More

  • Problems with his employment

    I am a software developer living in USA. I try to avoid jobs where the company deals with Haraam products such as financial institutions or cigarettes companies. Sometime I get job offers from software companies that might sell their product to Halal and Haraam companies. Is it prohibited for me to work for such a company, given that I might sometimes.. More

  • Becoming a lawyer in a non-Muslim country to help Muslims

    May Allaah help you with your works, I am a university Muslim law student in Belgium, as I was converted as student, some questions about my future professional and Muslim life raised: is it Haraam to be a lawyer in a non-Muslim country as you have to defend people for a Kuffar court with Kuffar laws? and if it is Haraam, is it possible to do.. More

  • Works in a store that sells lottery tickets

    I had a question regarding lottery. I work in Canada where lottery is well advertised. I am a cashier at a convenient store where lottery sales are also included. However, regardless of customers asking for lottery tickets, my pay is independent. I am paid on hourly basis and not on lottery. I know buying lottery is Haraam. Is my work Haraam?.. More

  • Acting as a disc jockey to get money for the poor

    I am a boy of 20, I have an enterprise of construction this in order to only emphasize that I do not have problems of moneys, but in the free time I make the producer, practically I make songs dance that moneys yield that I give to me to the poor persons, to me the moneys do not interest but it interests to me to help the poor persons.. More

  • Taking commission for steering tourists to certain shops

    My question is that I'm working as a tour guide for a tourist company for years. Our guests are from Europe and US. So we take commissions from tourist shops when they do their shopping from the shops which we lead them to for our profit. So shop owners give us commissions after shopping is done but tourists know nothing about this. is the.. More

  • Questionable employment

    I have been offered a job to work in a departments store which sell both clothes, perfumes and food, I don't however know if they sell alcohol, the question is this; if my wages are coming from the clothes section that Inshaa Allaah, I will be working in would it be Halaal to work in that shop even though they might sell alcohol? Or although I will.. More

  • Cable TV installer

    I work for a cable Television company in New York. I go to the customer's house and install the cable box and activate the service for over 140 channels. I also install cable modem equipment for Internet access. I have no control over what they watch and how they serf the net. Is this job Haraam? .. More

  • Earnings from questionable source

    I have earned some money but I am not sure if it Halaal or Haraam. But what I want to know is can I use such money for my basic needs like food, water or can I use it for some other purpose like buying some clothes, appliances for myself? Also can I use such money to start a business of my own so that I can start earning Halaal money?.. More