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I am a practicing Muslim of Ahl Sunnah wal hamdulillah. I am revert and married with two kids. Two of my sisters-in-law live with me as they are attending college in our city far away from their home town. All are good Muslims. I only give them salaam and I never sit to talk with them as they are grown, 18 and 20 years. They are shy as much as I.. More
I am the President of the Muslim Student Association (M.S.A) in my college.Insha Allah, we would like to start Halaqas (circles)for the members of the M.S.A. Wedisagree on whether thecircles should be segregated bygenderor not. I want it segregated, and our advisor, a female, doesn't want is segregated. The reason I want it segregated is because.. More
We have some friends here and we visit them whenever they call us. They force us to play cards with friends, male and female, and I strongly oppose it. Please explain what we should do... More
I am new to Islam. My friends want me to accompany them on amusement park rides, but I do not think this is proper. It strikes me as being immodest of a chaste Islamic woman to make a spectacle of her in front of men this way, particular if they are Kuffar. Am I being overly scrupulous?
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We provide Islamic lectures at university for students and partition the room with a curtain to make the brothers and sisters feel comfortable, as some sisters are not dressed appropriately. Please give examples from the Qur’an and Sunnah about segregation. Some brothers and sisters say its Bid’ah... More
My son is in the second year of a 4-year engineering course in India. There are some female students and teachers, and he thinks he should discontinue his studies as mixing of sexes is not allowed. What are the options in the light of Qur’an and Hadith?.. More
We live in a country unfortunately where we cannot avoid mixing at school etc. I want to start a children’s club for the Muslim community in my area. At what age should the boys and girls be separated? Are there any Ahadeeth that state certain circumstances we can solve this problem an easier way. Surely Allah is Most Merciful and Islam is supposed.. More
Can I assist in a wedding where the sexes mix if I wear Hijab?.. More
I live among a Muslim minority and Islam is spreading here. Much effort is also being made by brothers to improve our Islam, and to invite and inform others. These efforts are being carried out by various registered organizations. Every organization is run by a committee. My question is whether Islam allows us to include females with the males in one.. More
According to your remarks in a previous Fatwa, it is not permissible for men and women to mix. This Fatwa is based upon the assumption that there is Fitnah whenever a man and woman (non-Mahram) are together, but there is no basis for this in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Sahih Hadith states a man and woman cannot be alone, because the Shaitan will be the third.. More
I deeply appreciate it. I am not attending a university but an educational centre where all the reviews for foreign graduates are being conducted and I am currently taking my final medical board exam and I do have group studies with other foreign medical graduates in the form of question reviews and also do work for this centre too. Please let me know.. More
I'm a Filipino Muslim working as a nurse here in Middle East. Being an expert, we are handling patients of both sexes and more often than not, males. I have read so many articles about the mixing of both sexes in a workplace but it seem to be common nowadays. Can you please enlighten me on this subject?
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1) I am a new Muslim. Can I show my hair and arms to my male cousins, my mom's sister's sons? Can my husband shake my aunt's hand and give her a hug? Please verify your answer with evidence from the Qur'an or authentic Hadith.2) I am the only one in my family who is Muslim, and my parents want us (my husband, daughter, and I) to stay here in the United.. More
How should the behaviour of men be towards women; for example, can men speak with women, or can men shake hands with women, or can men salute women? Can men do these things in any situations and what are these?
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I am working in a foreign company surrounded by beautiful non-Muslim collegues I try very hard not to fall, so I fast and pray, but that does not keep me from feeling alone. I was thinking can I use more time in sport and other studies? Is it ok to use special medicine to either reduce or kill the desire for sex? Getting married is not the answer for.. More
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